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A member registered Feb 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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This has been fixed now

Do you have any suggestions for scenery blocks?

Changing the color of track parts is planned at some point.

It is possible, even in web builds.

But it seems like the community is mostly against controller support since incremental steering would provide an unfair advantage.


Right now I need to create each color variation manually, but in the future I'm planning to having a color picker instead.

The game checks for determinism when you start the game. If you didn't get an error message then it's all good!

An author field for tracks is something I'll probably add for the next update!

This is a bug with how the time is displayed. The difference is correct.

It has been fixed in 0.4.0

The mountains are quite buggy, and it's quite difficult to fix so the mountains might be completely reworked in the future instead

Yes! I'd like to be able to keep track of stuff like this in the future

I want to do this, but the choice to include, or not include some countries might be controversial.

  • Total time would be interesting to see!
  • Respawnable checkpoints might maybe come later, but there are many problems
  • Watching ghosts from the leaderboard is new feature in 0.4.0!

This will be fixed in 0.4.0!

There will not be any "accounts", due to legal reasons and the security responsibility.

But in 0.4.0 you'll be able to export your profile and create a back up so it can be restored!

(2 edits)

The beta has ended with the full release of v0.4.0.

If you have any tracks you made in the beta please export and save them, since the beta will be removed in the future.

Hello everyone!

The 0.4.0 beta is finally here, and you can help test it in preparation for the final release here:

The game now uses WASM for physics instead of ASM.js.
This should improve performance, but might affect determinism.
So I'm especially interested in if someone is getting a determinism error where they didn't before, or if they did before, but not anymore.

Note that the server for the beta might be unstable or not always running.

Bugs can be reported here in this thread or in the bug-reports channel on the Discord server:

Probably because it somehow clips into the road.

Not sure why though!

Full controller support isn't currently planned, since the community doesn't seem to want incremental steering.

I have not seen this bug with the fullscreen. Maybe it's because you're using a controller?

There is a downloadable version of the game already

I'll look into fixing this for the next update!

Mobile support is coming with the next update!

AI drivers will never be in the game, since the tracks are too complicated and I don't think it fits the game anyways.

Tracks from 0.2.0 are compatible with 0.3.0, so no conversion is needed!

If you'd like to convert them anyways you can just re-export them from the editor.

This website is pretty cool! But it's unofficial and not made by me.

In the future there might be a way of sharing tracks directly in the game.

  1. I can change it so the cockpit view stays active when resetting
  2. Might come next update!

Yes! This is coming next update!

A preview mode is coming in the next update! With an input display as well.

Showing the time difference at checkpoints might come too.

I agree!

The current track generator is quite old by now, so I would really like to improve on it with setting like these!

  1. No
  2. Looking into fixing this!
  3. No
  4. Probably not
  5. Yes!
  6. Maybe
  7. Maybe

Sorry about that! I don't have a Mac myself, so that makes it a bit more difficult to develop for it.

Also Macs seem to have pretty strict requirements for running "untrusted" software.

I might still release a Mac version later, but it probably wouldn't be as well supported as the Windows & Linux versions.

The physics engine doesn't work very well with such large objects. I could split the mountains into smaller parts, but this would cause performance problems on lower end devices.

Instead I've been considering moving the mountains further away and preventing the player from reaching them altogether.


0.4.0 would probably come out during spring at the earliest

Not in the next update, but probably at some point

I might add the larger curves, or maybe diagonal tracks.


I don't think resizing would work very well, but copy/pasting should come at some point.

This is not coming.

It would require too much moderation and would use too much data on the server.

It could be only client side, but I don't think that would be very fun.

Yes I can!

Maybe! I've been looking into some new ways of creating shadows. Some form of shadow volume algorithm might work!

I tried using post-processed ambient occlusion, but it didn't look very good in my opinion. Generating ambient occlusion maps when the track loads might be possible, but would probably use too much resources.

  1. I'm not quite sure what you mean here?
  2. Should be doable!
  3. These too!
  4. What is a ramp ramp?
  5. Being able to undo in the editor is quite an advanced feature which I still want to do nonetheless. But not a priority for now!

I'm not a big fan of most of the effect blocks in TrackMania.

Other than boosters, I don't think I would implement these for quite a while.

Maybe sometime around spring!