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A member registered Nov 02, 2016

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andrew rasskazov ocupation: r34 nerd

i would if i was having a money , in russian 70% peps buys games that have multiplayer or just a masterpiece(like witcher ,MGSPP), another 20% didnt have enough money or they dont want to spend hard <<earned>> money for some strange and unusual game that looks differently from dota or csgo , 10% tired of ,,conveyor of shit,, that keeps releasing games and dont want to add something new .and this 10% goes from one indie to another , 111When you do, what makes you do it?111 -----if game has a future and where to grow im buying it but predict how it will look after a year is hard so spending a money on a game that wiil be cool after 4 years (like rust ) is retarded but theres one thing i can predict , if this game gain modding and multiplayer ---BOOM FOCKING OVER90000 COPIES SOLD P.S theres will be a lot of bad grammar , this is my third experience of making a big text

and what about greenlight , a lot of youtubers hyped it already

(1 edit)

hello dear dev , i could translate all the subtitles into russian just for a copy of this game ( in my country 10$ pretty big price and cuz of this im playing non licensed copy ) and pls add firearms cuz there already bomb projectiles that looks like bullets P.S i have exp of translating rimworld mods