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A member registered Mar 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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I love it!

No, that would be good - I like OSR!

No, I think you have a more than good enough handle on design - taking those base rules and applying your flourish would be awesome!

Could be fun.

Having new rules to work with could provide those rules with content - which could help kickstart that game.

The question is do you want to make a game I guess.

Biomes - survival - all get shunted too often, could be a interesting thing.

Would it still be OSR?

Nah, it is too broad!

Traps and puzzles are very vast, riddles less so.

I would love a big old trap jam - or a puzzle jam.

Maybe a good jam would be a megadungon, and each participant signs up - and then each person is assigned a room/rooms - depending on how many participate/how many rooms you think make a megadungeon.

Do you mean genre of the base game - or the supplemental submissions?

I think it could work fine as a surface level thing.

So like a name, poem of some kind, description , art, statblocks.

Just poems are a little hard to use - though maybe poems about pre-existing creatures could be interesting.

"Ode to Fiend Folio"

Or "Monster Manual Haiku"

Those are poems.

I Think it more interesting to attempt to describe magic monsters and places with poetry, but maybe that is too broad/boring.

I just like the idea of constraints - and poetry has rules and constraints.

A book of poems, each one describing a creature - and stats - that would be a great way to make descriptions interesting, and evocative, and maybe more open to interpretation than a usual creature book.

Maybe your idea could work for a setting - bards and such. When I think of riddle and songs in conjunction with d&d, I always think of the Hobbit - and in Middle Earth riddles and songs seem to be part of it on a deep level.

Something with poetry - or word restrictions.

Like not using "e" - Or sentence length requirements - or maybe just overall word/character count limit.

Maybe a page limit.

Alternately - focus on the format of the book, create a template for a Booklet, or a folding brochure, then distribute that and the jam's goal is to work around that media/form.

Essentially, I think a creative limitation or restriction might induce some really creative work, and also makes a cohesive theme that is visual/distinctive.