Super fun! Really like the simplified train signal system.
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Here is my solution:
My goal was to keep it symmetric.
Hi, thanks for the amazing game!
I can mostly only repeat what all the other's have said. The pace of the game was very slow at times, but I quickly reached a point, where I just had to play through it and see what else there was waiting for me. I started to enjoy the backtracking and seeking out collectables.
The difficulty is a bit all over the place, with some sections feeling so much harder than the rest of it. For me personally the most notable instance of that was, when one is climbing up a series of slippery platforms, right before you get the claw attack. I had so much problems with that, it seemed to require very precise inputs, I started to suspect that it was an optional harder area, or that I would need an upgrade to proceed. I also almost got stuck trying to enter the jungle, until I randomly got the jump after going all the way back down to the beginning of the lab and back up again . And I had to ask for help to get the keycard where you have to change the colors of the mushrooms, that was the last one I got. I might would have gotten it with a lot of trial and error, but at that point I think my patience was used up.
But I think the difficulty of the game is what kept it interesting, if it would have been slow paced and very simple, I probably would have lost interest. I was looking forward to what may come next, because I already saw early on, that you weren't afraid to go all out with the level design. Collecting some of the optional collectables really demanded all from me.
I appreciated the little things, like not having a jump ability for (what initially felt like) a large part of the start of the game. The jump itself is really wonky and behaves really unconventional (especially the wall jump and ceiling jump), but I eventually just got used to how it is. I didn't like how hard it was to get furballs (until the end) making the furball capacity upgrades feel less impactful. The bosses really were a test of patience, I'm so glad I got the spider on my first try, because that fight really dragged on forever. The final boss is really great, but the fight is sadly dragged down by hitbox issues (very unclear where spikes and platforms start or end) which was really sad because none of the earlier fights have such issues. I went back and collected all 9 lives before I was able to beat the final boss. I only managed to beat it, when I found out that I could shoot furballs from the top right, when the weakspot is moved to the left side.
I would like to be credited as "accidentlyAnton", and my favourite gradient is this:
if you can't do gradients with more than two colors, i'll think of something else
The music and atmosphere is very good and I enjoyed the timing challenge, I was hoping for more things like that. What's here is good, but it's very short.
There were some confusing things, like I didn't get at all that the lens was something to be opened.
(Also I kept trying to press the up arrow key to get to my last command to correct some typo, because I'm used to that from a console.)
Starting at around Wave 66, sometimes waves are empty (no enemies and no credit drop will spawn).
Balancing is a bit whack, but fun to exploit. Although there is only really one effective upgrade strategy. (HP + Firerate)
Also it's possible to start the next phase without placing any waypoints. (which gives no money, but also allows to delay game over indefinitely)
Really well done Bubble Bobble inspired game. It's a bit less frantic than I'd like. I feel like more enemy types could be introduced earlier. I wish there was a way to skip the long time between levels and a little bit more time to collect a one-up after having killed all enemies.
Overall the retro vibe is well executed, just a bit too slow-paced for my taste.