Glad to hear that <3
Up until now the trials are the latest content added. Right after you finish them you can read the "EPILOGUE: MISTRESS HELEN'S DARK FLOCK". In any case, after you finish the whole story, you can roam freely and keep exploring around. For next update, you will be able to remodel these locations, and expand the Penitence Dungeon. There will be a rework of this entire location, like I did for the dom routes.
On the other hand, I checked the Ball Gag issue, and it seems there was a small bug that wouldn't let you buy it. I have fixed it already, so you may expect the problem solved for next update :)
Kitty and the Lord
Creator of
Recent community posts
Hey Cajun! As I've been developing by myself for a while now, it was hard for me to also keep track of various social media accounts + discord server. Since the server lacked mods and was constantly infiltrated by spam accounts, we decided to take a break from it until we can put some more love to it 💔
Hopefully after the upcoming re-lauch of TDP in a couple of weeks, we will be able to look into working towards a better server, and (at least) re-opening it.
Glad you enjoy it! In the Apprentice route you make Father Martín your Master, which means you submit to his ways and teachings and rule the Convent under his demonic influence.
Despite, if you're interested in a real submissive playthrough you can trigger those routes by choosing any of these options ;)

Once you start Day 5 you can either choose to resist and try to remain pure, or give in to temptation and become a slave ;)
I assume you're talking about the submissive routes. To carry on with the Spell against greed make sure you have (1) done the final event for sister Silvia, (2) have at least 3 Energy, and (3) buy the materials in the general store. These are the only necessary requirements. Once you have them all, your followers will bring you the "corrupt soul" that needs purification.
Hope this helps!
We're working on it! Hopefully by the end of the year you should be able to play on your phone here on
Meanwhile, check out

The world of SPECIAL FORCES: Rapture Division
When and where
Special Forces: Rapture Division takes place on an alternate history Earth during the tail end of what we would call the Cold War, which in this world is called the Long War: a global conflict between the New Entente and the World Soviet Republic. In territory of what we know as the United Kingdom, where our story takes place, the disintegrating empire of The Grand Commonwealth of Albyon, torn at the seams from within and without, was propped up by the economic and military power of the American Technocracy, gradually stripped away the procedures of the Parliamentary Monarchy, as the enlarged army, empowered by hundreds of thousands of mostly aristocrat Russian exiles, took on more and more of a political role.
A little bit of context...
As the Long War dragged on, the Disaster of Hyderabad, where one hundred and twenty thousand Albyonite troops were captured and eventually executed by Indian rebels, the army was mobilized to suspend Parliament indefinitely and proclaim “Emergency Powers”. As the years went on and the colonial insurgencies increased, so did the power of the military, which would eventually come to be ruled by an aristocratic class of “Bluebloods” or “Royals”. Gradually, the democratic traditions of the United Kingdom were replaced by the warrior virtues of the Russian and British aristocrats, the Queen empowered through her extended family to not only become a symbol of unity, but an autocrat by virtue of the sword and crown.
In parallel to all this, the renamed Grand Commonwealth of Albyon, in a desperate bid to hold on to its crumbling empire, would develop a Special Forces program that would emphasize unorthodox tactics of infiltration, seduction, and political subversion. This is the unit our protagonist joins, the so-called Rapture Division.
SPECIAL FORCES: Rapture Division
While it is a combat outfit, the missions the cadets will be trained to perform are far beyond what would be expected of other units, no matter how elite. Rapture Division combines training in traditional military disciplines such as arms handling, tactics, strategy, stealth and reconnaissance with training more akin to Secret Services such as espionage, seduction and sedition.
The result are killing machines who can not only physically destroy their enemies, but undermine and even coopt enemies to their own side. The training, as can be expected, is particularly rigorous and unorthodox, straying into the realm of Bondage, Discipline, Sadism and Masochism, and other mind and body control techniques to achieve the perfect Imperial Soldier.
Coming soon...
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So, to carry on: Yesterday we opened the first public poll for EVERYONE to participate! In this poll, you answer a very simple question: Which colleague or subordinate will be the first to catch your personal interest?
Since you already know who the MC will be and where the story will develop, we encourage you to participate with your vote right here.
Also, I'll be sharing the description right here so you know what to expect for the first character you want the MC to get involved with:
So, imagine you're a beautiful and mildly cruel soldier who's sole interest is to teach the strict discipline she once was taught.
Of course, when Cadets take a good look at you they see greatness, power, inspiration; a role model. What would become of them without your guidance and wisdom? Who's going to be their teacher and support if it isn't you? They really look up to you, you know?
But what about your professional colleagues? Most of your fellow teachers have been in The Academy longer than you. They know the place inside and out, they intimidate Cadets as much or even more than you do. And also, they loooove to put newbies like you to the test. Some say they can be vicious and ruthless, but if you ask them, they'll answer that it is nothing more than friendly competition between brothers-in-arms.
So there you are, basically in the middle of the road; feared by the first ones and almost laughed at by the others. In this scenario, which of the following characters sound more appealing to develop an initial contact with?
Cadets (mostly submissive):
- Jenny: 162 cm/5'3 ft, blonde ponytail, green eyes, Slim/Ecto-Mesomorph figure. Shy, obedient, focused. [Hard sub]
- Leo: 175 cm/5'8 ft, short brown hair, hazel eyes, Fit/Meso-Ectomorph figure. Enthusiast, extrovert, with initiative. [Power bottom]
Colleagues (mostly dominant):
- Carla: 186 cm/6'1 ft, very short pink hair, blue eyes, strong/Meso-Endomorph figure. Un-attached, cynical, selfish. [Sadistic]
- Don: 183 cm/6'0 ft, short black hair, hazel eyes, athletic figure. Strong/Endo-Mesomorph figure. Bossy, relaxed, complicit. [Daddy]
We will be adding more details of how the encounter will take shape and how the first playable demo will be soon. For now, cast your vote and help decide which of these lovely characters should be first one to appear!
Hey guys!
The Kitty and The Lord team is relatively new to We posted our games The Whore of Babylon and The Daedalus Project and the welcome and reception has been amazing! The first game started 4 years ago and the main story is already finished; it's been a year since its first release of the second one and will be around for a long time! Despite that, the main concern of this first Devlog is to announce the creation of our third Interactive Erotica SPECIAL FORCES: RAPTURE DIVISION which will be something along the lines of our debut project (in case you've already gave it a try), just so you know.
Special Forces: Rapture Division is a joint world Kitty and our patrons are developing together. We've been posting on our patreon page a few polls to ask people what they want to see, and the first answers were pretty clear: you want a Female protagonist in a Military scenario. GREAT! I loooooove the idea, honestly. I will attach the first promotional poster + a little teaser for you to start sharpening your imagination ;)

I was relatively new to the Academy since I had just arrived here a couple of weeks ago. I had been transferred from the Motherland to one of our bases offshore. Before that, I'd been serving the military since the very first day I became old enough to enlist. I don't remember having any purpose or future besides or beyond the army. In fact, enlisting was probably the only option I had left at that point in life.
Let me explain myself better: I was a terrible teenager. One of those hideous entitled little bitches who thought that the world was at her feet. A hurricane of hormones and impulses, barely controlled by an indecent body that was as reckless as my psyche. I used to shoplift, get high, miss school, crash cars, get blackout drunk, steal, scam, lie, whore myself out, and basically do anything that helped me live my life the easiest way possible. I honestly can't remember how many people I had sex with, because I had to admit I didn't hesitate to use my body to get what I wanted. I had no problem with spreading my legs and offering my mouth if it came to that. Studying was for nerds and working was for normies.
I was too good for that.
Anyways. I served the infantry for some time that seemed like an eternity. I was forced to leave behind my previous lifestyle and get used to getting up at 5 am, assemble rifles, clean the floor with a toothbrush, and all those silly shenanigans the middle hierarchy of the forces of the State wanted us to carry on for their amusement. My friends were sent to different facilities as a measure to prevent us from plotting some sort of plan that could get us out of here, so I never saw them again.
I probably swallowed fifty tons of shit on my path from ground recruit to Lance Corporal, and... You see, I've always been very proud. I used to repeat to myself, each and every single day, that every single drop of sweat that came out of my forehead would be worth it. I refused to suffer in vain. I was enlisted now, and I was going to be fucking good at it, because I just couldn't be anything else. Meanwhile, in the background of my brain, a deep, vibrant voice wouldn't cease repeating
Thanks for your time, guys! We really appreciate the warm welcome here in We'll be sharing something below for all of you to participate :*
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