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A member registered Dec 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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I definitely get about the jumping part, I’ve actually just been working on redoing the entire tutorial section so this should become much easier in future.

I’m aware of the camera thing if you mean how it shifts side to side kinda fast, however I’ve been focusing on other aspects such as level design so I’ll get to it eventually lol

The grappling hooks on Q and E is so that you can use the pistols with the mouse, however my dream end goal would be to make them at least swap if not completely customisable so that people can play however they feel comfortable.

The whole grapple toggle/hold/jump to release system has had a bunch of feedback for customisation that again I’ll get to eventually but I still appreciate the same feedback, helps me see how many people want it :)

And no worried about the browser build, you can thank the people over at the unity discord because I was saying how people always get weird about downloading files :3

lol no worries about missing the rules, this is still really detailed and constructive

Valkyrie community · Created a new topic Examples and Rules
(2 edits)


  • Keep feedback constructive
  • Don’t add duplicated feedback (bugs are ok if a significant factor changes (mechanic overhaul, new platform, new hitboxes/character etc.)
  • Don’t necropost/bump unless asked to by me


(Include the ### XYZ)

(Name the post your summary too)


Game: Valkyrie

Summary: Character gets stuck in walls

Version: V0.1

Expected: Character slides down walls

Actual: Character gets stuck in walls and does not move


  1. Jump into a wall

  2. Don’t stop moving towards the wall


Game: Valkyrie

Summary: Character should wall run

Category: Mechanic

Detail: If you run into or against a wall then the character should be able to wall run and fall slower while against it


Game: Valkyrie

Summary: It’s good but looks empty

Category: Overall

Version: V0.1

Detail: The game is literally just a pill shaped thing and some boxes and lines, it needs something more to it really

Formats (codeblocked)

(Include the ### XYZ)

(Name the post your summary too)

**Game**: Valkyrie

**Summary**: Character gets stuck in walls

**Version**: V0.1

**Expected**: Character slides down walls

**Actual**: Character gets stuck in walls and does not move


1. Jump into a wall

2. Don't stop moving towards the wall

### Feature

**Game**: Valkyrie

**Summary**: Character should wall run

**Category**: Mechanic

**Detail**: If you run into or against a wall then the character should be able to wall run and fall slower while against it

### Feedback

**Game**: Valkyrie

**Summary**: It's good but looks empty

**Category**: Overall

**Version**: V0.1

**Detail**: The game is literally just a pill shaped thing and some boxes and lines, it needs something more to it really

Oh and while I remember: the controls are shown in the installer during installation, and they’re also installed to the same folder as the game so just in case you forget or can’t figure it out

There are some known bugs, the only one that affects gameplay can be avoided by restarting (may take multiple attempts)