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A member registered May 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the playthrough :)

Some thoughts:

1. The reason you're not taking a lot of damage in certain cases is due to the blood on the ground increasing your armor value. In hindsight this mechanic is rather unintuitive and could be cut out without missing anything. (It's the "blood" bar on the HUD, with the provided armor resistance next to it.)

2. The first few floors are just way, way too easy -- you can easily march through hordes of enemies without needing to turn your brain on due to the relative lack of threats to be found. At the Workshop level, where the game unfortunately crashed, you would've begun finding ranged attackers which would have significantly upped the difficulty level.

3. HP is actually regenerated each time you or an ally deal damage, not when an enemy dies. I wonder how I could have made this more clear in the UI? Hm.

4. Cutting out diagonal movements is an interesting idea, one which I'll certainly be visiting if I start working on this again.

I can't figure out how to move side-ways. Is this a bug?

(1 edit)

I tried to play this but couldn't due to "OpenAL32.dll" not being found when running the game after installation. Am I missing something here?

Btw, providing a portable download instead of an installer would be highly appreciated. Not to be rude, but I'm not sure anyone wants to install a 7drl that will probably never be played afterwards :/

Do you happen to have the music as a separate file (eg mp3)? Thanks!

Very difficult to figure out mechanics, could use more documentation. I couldn't figure out how to craft anything. Pointers?

Learning common tricks for speeding up math calculations (e.g., '((x << 2) + x) << 1)' instead of 'x * 10') is a fun experience as well.