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King Grunion

A member registered Jun 30, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you

I love your game.

This game looks good and has potential but it does have a lot of flaws level design wise. 

This game gets tedious quick because of the fact that you have to collect the same coins over and over and every single time you die you start at the beginning of the level. This could be improved by making it so that you beat the level once you collect all the coins (so the player can do it in any order they want without backtracking). Or you could make it so that you don't have to collect coins and all you have to do is reach the end. This is just my opinion but I do honestly think it would improve the game. Keep up the good work.

Super fun concept.

You have to enter full screen to see everything. I agree its a bit confusing .

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This game was super fun. The levels are designed well, the game looks clean, and the snake is a scary enemy to hide/run away from in the dark. 


I thought it was funny, I just imagined everyone wanting to say hi to the naked person. Very cool!

Very good, very frustrating! 

This is really fun, and I love the voice acting!

Thats cool, ill try to check that out in the future.

Im not sure on how to get to the boss fight.

I felt that the game could be more fun if the enemys were more challenging or had a puzzle behind them.

Cool idea!

The music was amazing! But in your browser mode I couldn't see my money so I was guessing when I had 400 coins.

Short and Sweet.

Fun and challenging! The controls for movement are a bit difficult. Really cool.

Cool idea, but the moving controls are a bit difficult.

Cool idea. The game play gets more fun after the second level.

This game has a really cool concept that is really fun!

This game had really good audio, art and some fun game play, I just wish the game was a little more challenging.

This game is fun to play with friends, but when your a basement dweller like me I have to play by myself. its fun!

(1 edit)

Interesting Concept, I wish I had more to do in game.