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A member registered Dec 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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Well, I don't currently plan to continue the game because I'm alone and it would take me a long time. With this game I would like to find people interested in forming a team or joining me in their projects.

Oohh a gameplay!!, thank you very much, do you like me?
for what I saw ended badly, but quiet, there is another alternative ending, you can try to discover it and get out of there alive.

There is a small bug when you press "E" sorry.
I'm working hard to improve. 

Hola, acabo de subir mi primer videojuego en 3D hecho por mi en Unreal Engine 4, me gustaría que lo probarais la mayor cantidad de gente para que me diga que le parece, que cambiaría o mejoraría... También me gustaría saber si esta interesado alguno en formar equipo para futuros proyectos. Estoy abierto a nuevas propuestas.    

El juego transcurre en el interior de un edificio donde te han capturado por intereses. Comienzas inconsciente despertando dentro de un ascensor subiendo a la última planta. No sabes porque ni quien te ha llevado allí dentro, pero lo que no tardaras en saber es que no podrás salir de allí y que tu único camino es adentrarte al interior y llegar a lo más profundo. 


Hi, I just uploaded my first 3D videogame made by me in Unreal Engine 4, I'd like you to try it as many people as possible to tell me what it looks like, what it would change or improve... I would also like to know if anyone is interested in forming a team for future projects. I am open to new proposals.    

The game takes place inside a building where you have been captured for interests. You start unconscious waking up inside an elevator going up to the top floor. You don't know why or who has taken you in there, but what you won't be long in knowing is that you won't be able to get out of there and that your only path is to go inside and reach the deepest.