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A member registered Aug 11, 2019

Recent community posts

It is not really fun when you remove all the ball for a big one. Maybe you can change the colour then so you feel progression?

This looks like an ai generated game.

(1 edit)

that looks really cool. But maybe make the sunglasses fall from a smaller height so they don’t fly across the screen. Like half a head above the character. 

emoji ideas:


Yes is was playing on my iPhone. I will check the game out on my pc. 

The music is really good but the controls are a bit weird. I still had a lot of fun playing.
I'm missing a high score counter so I can improve my time.

The game looks really great and I enjoyed the challenge. The only thing that I miss is some music and a satisfying clicking sound.

(1 edit)

The character feels a little hard to control since he is really floaty. That makes the platforming a bit tricky, but overall this feels like a good starting point for a real game. I like the mechanic that I have to make my own platforms to traverse. 

I used the tile map program that comes with gamemaker

Hey Cupnoodle, 
I really like the asset pack but it seems like there are some tiles missing when I want to finish this house.
Do you know how to fix it?

Found the correct command: 
chmod +x 

The Mac OSX - The application "Guardener" can't be opened.  fix doesn't work. I guess the command line is for Heliopedia?

Oh I loved this books and I always read them in the library if they here available.
Is there a chance this game is going to get a Mac version?
I would love to play it. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

I doesn't run on Mac OS Catalina