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A member registered Dec 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Yes, it does

Yup, you can!

Yup, you can!

(1 edit)


It's one of the cutest games i've seen today! Really good job!

I tried playing without looking at the description and it took a while for me to realize it's a multiplayer game xD
The gameplay is very simple and straightforward, the graphics are super nice, and the music is my jam (get it, jam).

Overall, well done!

Really cool idea, love using the UI as part of the environment! Unfortunately I couldn't manage to get pass level four and accidentaly bought a tip for the wrong level :p

Nope. We have other swords, but those two specific green swords are exclusive to the 16x16 pack.

Same here, payout taking way longer than usual. Almost 30 days in review. Some other people also complained about that, seems like a global issue.


1. Yes it is.

2. No, that wouldn't violate the terms of use, feel free to modify the files for your game.

Yes you can. What I mean by upload is directly sharing the actual files (like in a folder) for other people to download. Using the files on a website is completely fine.

The icons can be used in any game engine. But if you have any problems adapting it on the Game Maker Studio (if they use a specific template) I'd be glad to help.

Sorry, but currently there are no plans for making these icons 48x48.

What you can do (if you want to) is crop the icons you'll use and put them into a template like this one.

Just position every icon into an individual square using image editing software and removing the squares afterwards.

Thanks! All of the icons are 16x16, with an upscaled version to 32x32 and 48x48 included.

Thanks! But unfortunately not.

I'm sorry, I do not tend to add items, so everyone who got it has the same ones.

No problem, here you go.

Thanks! Good suggestion, I'll include those in the next one.