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A member registered Nov 13, 2020

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Thanks ! It was indeed our first game jam

Thanks !

Nice and cute game ! Loved the atmosphere and environment. Well done !

Thanks ! It was our first game jam, and we were maybe a bit too ambitious and there was no time left to add music/SFX

Came from your stream, and I really liked the hand drawn artstyle and animations. The concept is original. Well done !

Nice game and fun wires, though it becomes hard to distinguish the wires. I would have loved to have some sound effects or music (or it didn't load?)

Good concept ! I didn't understand what to do at the beginning so I read the description but you could maybe add a tutorial in-game, and sometimes I  fly over the map. Overall, well done !

Really cute and original game ! The SFX and music were nice, great job on making this in 4 days ! (I came from your stream, thanks for playing and reviewing my game)

A fun and cute game ! great job on making it in only 48 hours

Thanks for playing and for giving us a feedback ! Yes we are aware of the issues with one enemy, unfortunately we had git merge bugs so I patched it on my version but not on the final build.

The game is really fun and cute, the SFX, the lego pieces are amazing. The name of the game fits the game really well, well done ! It is sometimes difficult to find some enemies though.

Fun and creative game ! Good job in making this in 48 hours only ! I hope you can get more ratings later on.

Nice game, congrats on making this in 4 days. I would have loved to see more enemies and more difficulty though.

Really creative game ! The game is quite challenging and fun, the mechanics are original. 

I enjoyed playing this game and discovering new creatures ! The sound effects are nice !

Thanks a lot for your feedback ! 

Thanks !

Thanks for the feedback ! Yes we had some issues with the orange slime not dealing damages 😅

 WARNING : In the rush there was an issue while uploading : There's 2 .exe files in the zip, the correct one is UpDownSpells - GMTK 2024.exe . Sorry for the inconvenience.