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A member registered Mar 31, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the effort :)

Great game! Will there also be a Linux build in the future?

All I see is this dark blue background. How to get started?

(2 edits)

The game seems promising, but I would really have something like a tutorial added that shows how each mechanic works. I sometimes have the idea that the game does something random, even though it probably doesn’t. This would especially be nice for some specific cases/exceptions.

+1 for having made a Linux build

Really cool game. Plz add controller support

Fun game, but it could be a bit more forgiving :)

Really nice work! Looking forward for further development :)

Is this also available for Linux?

Phew! Hard game. But finished it :D

Anyone else having problems with running it on Linux? When I run it in the terminal, I get:

./Fractal-Collector-Linux.x86_64: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Seems promising. Only missing controller support and more importantly, collision doesn’t seem to work, so I can only walk through and not on the red ramp in the first level. Using 🐧 version

When i run the .x86 version, I get this error:

Unable to load mono library from Hive_1.207_Linux/hive_Data/Mono/x86/
Failed to load mono

Does anyone know where to get the so from?

Fun game. And it’s stable and really works for 🐧 🎉🎉

I really like the art style. Also great that there is also a 🐧 version. But it was really buggy though. For example, the menu didn’t work with 🎮

Has anyone tried to Wine this game? I only have Linux, but want to try this game.

Erg leuk! Ik krijg er D&D-achtige vibes van

Very, very impressive for a Ludum Dare. Really gives me Animal Crossing vibes (haven’t played Harvest Moon before)

Is it not an option to download the Windows version and emulate it with Wine?

Thx for the clear reply

So re-distribution is not allowed. But what if I wanted to make an open source project? Do I have to take out used UI buttons and leave it to other developers how to compile the project with missing images?

Played on Windows. Game crashed. I presume something went wrong when new monsters were spawned.

Hey there! I’m using Fedora and it seems I am missing Apparently it’s not easy (maybe even not possible anymore) to install the library, since the library is deprecated. Due to IMO OpenSSL’s complex release management, it’s hard to build the lib from source. Could you update the game with a newer version of the library or could you include the lib statically or add the .so to the Linux version of the game as zip? Thanks in advance :)

(1 edit)

I have sort of the same issue; the one with backgrounds is empty, the other one gives an error when opening it.

Thanks for the effort :) Unfortunately, my game couldn’t boot. When I try to load the game from my terminal, I get this output:

$ ./S\(H\)OCKING\ THEATRE\ Linux.x86_64
Set current directory to /home/kapstok/games/shocking theatre
Found path: /home/kapstok/games/shocking theatre/S(H)OCKING THEATRE Linux.x86_64
no boot config - using default values
(Filename: ./PlatformDependent/LinuxStandalone/main.cpp Line: 479)

I assume you’re using a Windows computer, so I suggest to install the Ubuntu VM from the Windows Store, so you can test which dependencies are needed to run the game. Or Google might give some valuable answers :)

I had the idea that this game is for Linux. However, I don’t find an executable Linux binary in the zip. Could you please untick the Linux checkbox for this game or upload a Linux version? Thx :)

Really cool concept. You should really expand on this! (and keep maintaining the Linux build plz ;-))

I tried to play the game on my Fedora 31 pc, but no luck. This is what I get from the terminal:

$ ./neocol 
bash: ./neocol: No such file or directory

I’m currently in the data directory

Rights seem to be ok:

$ ls -la
-rwx--x--x.  1 me me 5449058 12 nov  2016 neocol*

You guys know how to solve this?

Hi, I just bought your game. Seems the Linux version doesn't seem to have the Winds of Change version yet. Could you upload the newest version for Linux? Thx!

Will there be a linux version?

(1 edit)

Will there be a Linux version? 


The game looks cool on your video, but the sprites won't load on my pc :(

You're welcome :).

I just played the game, really liked the graphics, also very simple and fun concept. However, finding the last few cats took me a tad too long. Maybe you could add some kind of cat-transport mechanic to speed up the cats that have to walk from the other side of the map?

I see what the problem is: I tried to launch the game from the app, which doesn't show this button because it has to know which file(s) belong to which operating system. Have you set the operating system for the file? Like this?

I can't download this game. Have you uploaded the game yet?

Really liking the game. I just wanted to be able to look around using my controller.

Talking about underrated games? This one is definitely one on the list. Never could have thought that this game would be so good. Usually a games that are all about physics are very glitchy. This one isn't :D

Also, the game has a nice art style

that's unfortunate :(

I had the impression it was a 'Fight the Dragon'-like game.

I guess this game isn't what is was looking for (I didn't like Dota that much). Anyway, thanks for the fast response :)

Does this game have controller support?