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A member registered Jul 18, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks! and oh? now i'm curious :p 

would love to see if you post updates on it anywhere? 

Thanks! I was there in the chat :p

Really happy he ended up playing it!! 😄

Thank you for sharing still 

Very funny game idea, love the ending review cutscene, only thing that confused me a bit was the tutorial in the beginning as i thought i could push that piece of trash aswell, but aside from that, pretty fun! decent bit of replayability 

Really interesting idea, do love the feel of the orbiting gravity,  i feel like some extra platforming or side objectives would really pull this together like a fun little cozy game in a way :p

Really fun concept with a polished feel, usually you see these types of games as pvp, nice twist to have it more as a puzzle game, only main note i have is that the level complete sound jumpscared me the first time xd 

This has got to be the most polished submission i've seen and my favorite without a doubt!! the use of the UI is super creative!

really hope to see this be turned into a full game one day! 5 stars all around!! 

Very creative! love the art style and highly appreciate the dyslexia font xp definitely helped!

also amazing soundstrack, used the same menu song actually :p 

Really fun and calming game with some satisfying sounds! the only thing i would recommend is adding a sort of click and drag system so you can swipe the mouse to harvest multiple flowers at once
but overall really great!

Thanks! and yea the way to get out of the pipe after climbing up was to unfold so your edges support you, normally you're not supposed to be able to jump but that's something that slipped past unfortunately

and thank you! 

This is easily one of the most visually stunning entries, with a nice twist on the jams prompt, great work! very cozy 


gone where no piece of paper has gone before!

Very interesting idea! completely forgot to use the scaling windows feature at first but once i did it added a fun new layer to it!, although sometimes it  was a bit tricky to try and grab on to the edge of the window to scale, but overall love the submission!

Oh wow! love the art style of the game! and the level design is really good! the only thing i think i'd wanna see changed is making the movement a bit more snappy for easier platforming, i can easily see this becoming a fun game where you try to keep up your momentum, those parts were definitely the most fun!

Thank! yea i wanted to try and take the classic idea and like add some extras to it, had a lot of other mechanic ideas that had to be scrapped in the end but would love to make a full version! 

yea that's fair, there's definitely a decent amount of jank to it xd
and thanks! hoping i can get it featured in the video if i'm lucky :p

Thank! glad you like it! :) took some sleepless nights but happy with the result! 

(and for that level try pushing the long box :p)

Thanks! glad to see someone else in unreal, your game looks great from the screenshots, i'll make sure to give it a look! 

Definitely a fun entry idea :p 

only thing i'm a little confused about is what dictates the sizes of the blocked you place? 
either way 10/10 for SAM!!

Definitely an interesting entry that gets strategic fast, instead of pure scaling it's also about maintaining, the only thing i would change is like the medkit icon as it made me think i was gonna heal the firefighters at first there :p but overall fun strategy game! rated!

(1 edit)

Oh wow i remember seeing this in the server! 

Really love this entry! definitely deserves more exposure! got a satisfying feel to it and once you get into the more than 2 shape requirements it gets really interesting, rated! 

This is such a unique concept!! definitely deserves more ratings! the only thing i would do is have a horizontal offset with the camera, so that it's easier to have enemies be offscreen, but regardless really interesting, rated! 

A cute entry with some fun dialogue! :p 

Got some good art like the opening screen and character, reminds me a bit of jump king, a cute little entry for sure 

Minimap definitely helped navigating around the world and preparing for enemies, only thing i'd change is that you can still survive when you have characters left, seems like when a specific one dies it's game over even when you still have some left, but overall solid entry! 

Wow, that means a lot, thank you!! Really glad you liked it 

Wow that's a big compliment! Thank you! 

Thanks!! Hoping to maybe play around with the mechanic some more, had a lot of ideas that had to he scrapped cause of time :p

Thanks! and ah. well the main mechanic is to fold yourself wider to then bridge a gap like that, probably should've added a bit better of a tutorial for that aspect