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A member registered Jun 10, 2024

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She can safely carry allied vessel's in her stomach which restores their MP each turn ( heals them too i think) and also when she has an ally inside her she can borrow there MP to use her Excalibur attack which can do decent damage. 

Yeah basically

Its nothing much right now just a small room where you can expand your belly and digest to gain weight with 3 npcs in the room you can eat if you desire. 
I do have a youtube channel where I post vore content but I don't think there's enough content in this game yet to warrant a video

A weird issue has been occur for me where my game randomly just disappears. I don't know if its a me problem or if its an issue with the game? 

as of now No the project is considered complete with the slight possiblity of updates

Theres quite a bit hard to count them all i'd say at least over 20. through as for Loli I think there's 3 Loli scenes currently in the game 

I really like the update I been wondering will you be planning on adding more to the new school area? or strange anomaly if you prefer?

Probably Not many people asked this before besides we can already play as student preds anyway 

I just did a bit of testing if this helps 

I learned it only applies to when the pred is chasing you so if shes chasing someone else it will not change

also its rather useful in nightmare mode it goes yellow when the predator hears you open a door or drop a key so you can prepare for there arrival. and as an added bonus if they get distracted by another prey the sense will go gray signaling that its safe now very useful.

Its basically showing how aware the predator is to your presence

alright fair enough hope you have a good day maybe i will find Satie one day

I found it lol I guess i can tell who your favorite pred is now lol its amazing hope you do that with the other eventually worth all the trouble in my opinion

oh also one more thing i saw someone say they played as satie you didnt include playable satie in the patch notes so i dont know how true this is. Is satie playable? 

Hello everyone I just beat 2 pred mode and unlocked the nightmare mode of it I heard there was a easter egg if you beat nightmare tulpy and then play nightmare 2 pred mode.

without spoiling what the easter egg is could anyone who could have found this easter egg tell me some information on how to find it like how rare is it do i need to play as tulpy i just want to information if possible.

You fix things so fast its honestly impressive just don't overwork yourself

I have Noticed a few bugs with this new update that i think you should know about

1. I was playing as the new playable tulpy  and i escaped Satie with her book but it didn't count for some reason guess it has something to do with tulpy being only able to hold 1 item i have no idea.

2. this is a bit on the minor side like a nitpick if anything but i might as well put this here since I'm writing this, there's a weird gap when you eat some one as tulpy and rub your belly where you can see through tulpys belly its not bothering me at all just thought I say something about it.

of course I can understand your trying to get this game on steam so I'm not asking for an immediate fix take your time and i wish you well.

 overall though its a wonderful update nice to finally play as tulpy excellent work. 

I have just beaten nightmare mode Tulpy it was a blast and I been wondering will you ever be considering adding more playable preds i would love to play as Tulpy i can understand if that would be hard to program through im just wondering if its something your planning on doing

I have a question when you redownload for a new update does your progress carry over?

Personality I don't try to stealth it I feel like the game is more about getting as much done as possible while taking the measure's to secure yourself like if I can confirm Bella is on the top floor or is at least heading there I will take the opportunity to run to cover more ground and get more done quickly while also being careful around corners I usually follow other students around corners if possible to avoid surprises that's just how I play you can hide from Bella though I would agree that the map doesn't have enough hiding spots but you do at least have enough for her to lose sight of you if you know what to do at least in my experience

Hey ghost I just wanted to ask will you be planing on continuing updates on this game its not that I'm asking for more I'm just wondering if you have any future plans for this game?

I never noticed Satie teleporting just remember the pred can move faster than you think I had plenty of encounters like that though I could always assume which path they took there just fast I wouldn't say its unwinnable I would just say watch the corners and make sure you have some prey nearby that was my strat I know its not much but I won after like 20 tries.

(2 edits)

I see the thing is when shes chasing you is that sometimes shes can be closer than you think so maybe the reason she got you in the stall was because she was right behind you.

I do see what your talking about with her field of view but personally I never encountered any issues with it normally I run into a room and crouch behind the open door and she loses me so that's something you can try

She is supposed to be slower than you when she eats 2 students maybe shes not I always assumed she was due to the fact I was always able to escape her when she had 2 prey.

I will say this some of your criticisms could apply a bit more to another Pred Satie shes the third one you unlock and shes basically Bella on steroids Bella the only Pred affected by the apple trick so Satie will just eat you anyway and shes faster than Bella the only 2 downsides she has is shes has louder footsteps than Bella and can only hold 2 prey instead of 3 I like to think she could hold more but according to her lore she wants to keep her figure so I like to think she holds back her true power shes still very scary but personally I still had fun with her despite this because I just had to be more careful and if your wondering no apples aren't useless now they can still be used to fill saties belly to make escape slightly easier.

as for the other 2 preds there not exactly Bella clones they have things that make them different The fairy is a completely silent Pred with her only sound cue being the gasp when she sees you but she can only hold one prey so feed her a prey and she will leave you alone for awhile. and the lamia is also a silent Pred she does make the sss sound snakes make though but its hard to tell where she is just by that one sound shes large and slow but still can move slightly faster than you to catch you she is the hardest to escape I only escaped her once and she can hold at least 5 students at a time maybe more I don't know the exact number and she gets the other students to snitch on your location I haven't beaten her yet but shes a fun challenge.

Bella I would say shes the second easiest to escape her belly the fairy the easiest though that doesn't mean its easy Satie either has the same or better belly strength than Bella and the lamia has the strongest even with 5 students she digested us all her stomach strength is insane and I love it.

(1 edit)

Okay man normally I don't like to get into  arguments but i think what your experiencing is a skill issue 

1. I think your over exaggerating about her vision I had plenty of times when I was on her side and she never saw me, I don't know if your running around  or not so she can hear you but she doesn't 

2. Bella's stomach capacity is 3 she can have 3 students in her stomach before she full, even then she has an animation when she's eating someone your supposed to run in that grace period.

3. Bella being faster than you is the point I have seen a lot of people complain about this but its not that hard to get around Bella prefers apples over you so just hold a apple its better losing a key than being eaten. if a student is nearby use them as a meat shield, even then the more students Bella has in her stomach the slower she is by the time she has 2 she is literally slower than you, and besides would you rather her be slower than you all the time then you would always outrun her and all the mechanics you could use to keep her at bay would be pointless.

4. I honestly don't know what your talking about with Bella seeing you through walls I have beaten her 5 times so far and never encountered such a glitch maybe you were not as hidden as you thought

5. your just unlucky with apples or your just bad at finding them there usually always in an unlocked room or in the cafeteria just be careful rushing down there immediately that's where Bella spawns.

6. the RNG escape system. I have seen so many people complain about this and everyone who does always says there should be a mash or minigame to escape. these people don't understand the point of the game this isn't struggle simulator were you have to press the keys at the right time its supposed to be tense. you don't want to be caught if you could just either mash or minigame your way out of her belly she would become more of an inconvenience than an actual threat. and sure Ghost could make it a hard minigame but then would you really want to break both your fingers and you keyboard just to get out of Bella's belly the point is being eaten by Bella is supposed to be a bad thing you will likely die from. and I have stated previously that there are defenses you can use to keep Bella at bay or escape her belly easier by filling her up.

7. yes Bella taking your key is annoying but that's the point think about it if you just had an apple it just means you have a get out of jail free card in order to make it so you still don't want to be caught she will eat your key to punish you. and you don't lose it forever you just have to wait for her to burp it out her taking your key is a punishment for being caught so JUST DONT GET CAUGHT. and if you find that hard than that's your skill issue I have beaten Bella mutable times without being eaten you just have to be careful and even so her escape RNG isn't as bad as you think its not an entirely grantee death I once got eaten by her 3 times and escaped each one yeah I was lucky as hell but I took steps to increase my chances and besides its supposed to be against you anyway that's why its to tense its a great feeling.

8. I honestly have no idea what you mean by Bella moving towards your last location usually I don't see her for awhile until running into her later which supports that tense feeling of not knowing where she is. she has the exact same pathfinding as the other students just a bit tweaked with features like being able to hear you and chasing you when she sees you other than that she wanders the exact same way as the other students.

so after all that look your treating Bella like she's some impossible force but look around you almost everyone here in the comment section beat her that fact is you  supposedly failing over 100 times says more about your skill than it does about the game. just be more careful check if students are nearby to use as meat shields, try to predict her current location  from where you saw her last if you see a student going in the same direction as you stick with them when going around corners listen for footsteps just incase these are the strats I use to stay alive and they work. and its not easy making a game and ghost must of worked really hard to get it out fully in only a month then there you whos complain about almost every feature of the game Bella's sight, Bellas speed, RNG this RNG that when in reality your just having a skill issue thw whole solution to your problem is to just get good. I will admit this game is not perfect I sometimes wish there were more ways to keep the Preds at bay and more items you could use to interact with them though I don't want to pressure any of the devs about this its more of a nickpick if anything if what's already there works it works its still a very fun game and in my opinion one of my favorite vore games. its hard the odds are supposed to be stacked against you that's why its all the more satisfying when you finally win. sorry if this came out a little aggressive I just keep seeing these kinds of complaints and wanted to address them I don't mean to insult you and I'm sorry if I have.

I fixed it just i didnt have enough space for the programs so i just had to extract everything again

Ok i fixed the first problem but now its telling me its failing to load Mono?

i am having an issue opening the game it keeps telling me "The code execution cannot proceed because UnityPlayer.dll was not found" anyone know how to fix?

(1 edit)

I can see the second ones is a fairy like you been teasing and the fourth seems to be a Lamia but what's the third one supposed to be is she a human like Bella? oh also have you come up with names for the newbies yet?

will you ever be considered adding cheats or modifiers to the game like invincibility, invisibility, fast digestion etc.  

Those are the only 3 types the color determines the grade and rarity

Red is the most common it saves you from being eaten by Bella and fill her stomach a bit the more stuff she has in her stomach the longer it take for her to digest.

Green is just a better version of the red apple

If bella eats a crazy apple it will make her start vibrating and starts she will burp out stuff in her stomach it could be useful if she swallowed a key you needed.

Nice sounds like a challenge I like the fact its random that sounds like it could come with surprises 

can the preds interact with each other in anyway?

I just had the best run of my life I didn't get eaten by bella once I fed her the Crazy apple and escaped with the book

that aside I do have a question since you planning on adding more preds I've been wondering are you only allowed to go against on pred at a time or will it be possible to go against multiple?

Will bella be the weakest among the other preds you plan to add?

She will only chase after you but if you hide behind another student while shes chasing you she will eat them instead of you.

Thanks for the Reply its nice to know more about the Game knowledge is power. good luck on the Development of the other preds. 

Okay here are my thought's after playing this new update for a bit I really liked it.

The addition of new student's makes the school more lively and I love the added touch that Bella now has breast expansion when ever she digests a student or apple I wonder what she would look like if she digested every student?

I enjoy the new features with the apple's and how the Bella eats it and your keys instead of you and I noticed you decreased apple spawn rate to balance this clever.

I do have one question according to the patch notes it says Bella can still carry 3 prey but for me she can only eat two before she leaves me alone this is not a complaint or nick pick I'm just curious of that was a mistype or if there's something I'm missing.

And I noticed the existence of a rare crazy apple in the patch notes could this be the Legendary purple apple I thought I saw once I haven't found it yet oh but I will one day and prove to everyone I'm not crazy.

Overall a very good update I hope to see more.

I feel like something this game could definitely use is a little tutorial page like something you could click on in the menu and read on how certain aspects of the game like how the Bella works and the uses of apples and crumbled paper I think it would help a lot of newer players understand the game more.

Personally to me this feels a bit like a Nitpick I mean I kinda enjoy the random surprises Bella can give you I once just started the game and I knew Bella spawns in the cafeteria so once I explored the second floor I decided to move down to the cafeteria assuming she left by then but when I got down there I heard footsteps I assumed she was still in the cafeteria and coming towards the stairs to I began to go back but she was actually right behind me it was funny for me she somehow walked all the way around the school just to get behind me she surprises me so much with how fast she can move by just walking it was a fun surprise for me I some times feel like she can Teleport LOL through I can understand where your coming from this is just my opinion.

Oh I see I like it I was kinda close LOL

LOL that's Great

Hey everybody I just wanted to ask if anybody else made up a name for the pred personally for me I like to call her Beth she kind of looks like a Beth to me I also considered the name Cindy but I'm curious if anybody else made up a name for her?

Apples increase your chances of escaping the same goes for crumbled paper through apples are the real star of the show.

Personally for me I enjoy the RNG based system because you can sorta manipulate it by having a apple in your inventory or feeding a student to the Pred It adds a sense of strategy and also makes being eaten by the Pred more tense through I can understand you point but personally for me I prefer the RNG system.