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Kacey Halstead

A member registered Nov 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Done! Thank you so much!!

Thank you so much for the feedback!

thank you so much!!

thank you for your feedback! That’s the point of the game, the darkness represents Robert’s newly found sentience, and the game gets significantly brighter as you play ☺️

The Odyssey

"The Odyssey" is an action-packed 2D adventure game based on Ancient Greek Mythology that follows the main protagonist, Kronk, on his journey to slay the three terrible beats destroying his home village: The Minotaur, Medusa, and The Hydra.

Over the last 4 and a half months, a team of three of us have been developing "The Odyssey" for a retro game exhibition at a local museum! The game is finally finished and up here on to play:

I hope you'll find the time to check it out and any feedback will be greatly appreciated! :)

Thank you!! :)

Thank you so much! :)

Dream Leap

Dream leap is an endless jumper that takes place in a child's dream! This game was made for the Mini Jam 105 game jam that had the theme "Dreamy" and the limitation "every playthrough must be unique". Avoid spikes and use springs to boost yourself up to the highest heights to beat your previous high score!

Here is a gameplay video that briefly shows off the mechanics and general feel of the game:

The game can be downloaded here for Windows only:

Any feedback or downloads are greatly appreciated and I hope you enjoy the game! Thank you for reading!

I love how you can choose from different size boards to control the difficulty! It's a great and simple puzzle concept. Well done! :)

So simple but so enjoyable. I absolutely love the use of the modifiers, it truly changes the game every single time! Well done! :)

Such a touching and calming experience! Both the music and colour palette are so relaxing and perfect for the game. Well done! :)

Such an interesting and unique concept with a wholesome feeling! Well done! :)

Thank you so much for including my game!! I’ll definitely give it a watch and a like :) 

I’m glad you like it! Thank you so much for checking it out!! :)

Thank you!! :)

Hi everyone! I created My Idle Cacti as part of the Virtual Pet Jam. In this game, you can buy, care for and customise your cacti in order to earn more seeds! The more cacti you have, the more seeds you earn, and the more seeds you have, the more cacti and customisable items you can buy! This game is also fully idle and will earn you seeds while you are away.

Voting for the virtual pet jam ends in 3 days, but this game is freely available after too! Any feedback is greatly appreciated! :)

The game can be downloaded for Windows here:

The development process and details are available on my blog if anyone is interested:

Such a fun idea! Really enjoyed playing :)

What an adorable game! Short and sweet! :)

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it! :)

Such a fun idea! Julian's facial experssions as he dropped to the ground cracked me up! I really enjoyed this game, well done :)

This is the cutest thing ever! The game is so well made and I personally couldn't find one thing wrong with it! The art style is perfect for the game... very well done!! :) 

Thank you!!

Thank you so much!! :)

Hi everyone! I've just released my first game as part of the Game Off 2021 Game Jam!

In this time-based game, the player must name, choose, and feed their little friend as many bugs as possible before the timer runs out. All whilst avoiding wasps and paying extra attention to catch fireflies, as they give extra points!

I hope you decide to give it a go, and all feedback is greatly appreciated.

Here's a link to the game's page:

 And here's some gameplay footage: 
