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A member registered Jan 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hey thanks  Man 😊 

thanks 😊

(1 edit)

Same here .. for your next game 😁..Following your itch profile.

check out mine :-

check out mine

The game is fun. it took me some time . and the sound effect when it collided with a stone. its so satisfying 😍.The over all game looks so cool.

In my perspective, I interpreted theme as " the player had to dive deep into his memory and resurface that. He can gather those memory's  by helping Npc's ." I had a plan of assigning each NPC's a different area of story. Which they will offer to player after helping them(Quest).but I was not able to do that part in time. So I cutoff that and make sage tell story one by one..  And About UI 😢. Yeah Those health and Magic bars are just simple sprites and they are too big. they defiantly need some work.

Yup you are right ab that. There I should have given the controls on right click...Where you can check controls anytime you want.

the game Is so  smooth and also fun. How you guys make these cool looking shaders 😍. specifically the world barrier is only visible when i am close to it. and also the obstacle has this...And the audio of that ship was good fitting . Nice work . 👏 

Hey thanks fir your feedback..😊

Wow, game was really great . you made movement system based on the recoil.. It took me some time to understand the game but after getting the controls it was really fun..nice work

after getting those shields which rotates around the player it was a lot of fun. I have not use the shoot mechanics as it was hard to aim . But that shields were enough. I like the Idea of how player getting different upgrades in each waves. and at wave 4 the sound automatically changed I was really good. although the game needs little balancing. as  mentioned by others..

Let me tell you a secrete 🤫.. There is a bool variable IsRegenarativ; which is currently assigned to false. I just forgot to tick that up 😢 .😂 ..Thanks for ur feedback..I appreciate that.

yeah you are totally correct ab that. But I was not able to put that in with in the time ⌚.. Thanks for ur feedback.

Ok the music was really good. and like everyone mentioned there was not very clear indication of hitting enemy and one health bar for the player would be good.

I knew that flying thing was going to be so fun..😂

Hey thanks man for talking ab music . this is my firs game for what I made music by my self using my harmonica. I was little nervous ab that part. Thanks for your feedback... I really Appreciate that. ♥

Ok 😂, I know ab this one. when you killed your self using the blast.. and click on restart button. unity just locks your cursor. and the button didn't get triggered. it would work simply if you Right click and unlock the cursor then click the button. sorry ab that...and Thanks for your feed back 

Wow, I really enjoyed your game. I think if there was some 🐠 in background then it would look more sea like. although the chain was really fun.. and I flying is good . feels more fun to jump from one side of the ship and dive down to other side... the machines  was really good. Nice work.

😂 yup using that shield machines you can jump and buildup structure to climb up and have fun. That was Intended. as in beginning I made the ability cool down such a way that, when u placed one shield you cant place another until its broke. Then I found out that it was really fun fly around using lower gravity and shield. And as per my game story the Player is from another world that's why he can have his low weight thing 😂 and also the the whole world made bigger then the players fitting... Thanks for playing

try out mine:

it was my first jam. Your feedback will really help

The game was really great . It took me sometime to understand the controls. I really liked that when we push the character up in the air, It eyes just came out, as a sign if fear. Good game mechanics .

The game idea was really cool. It took me sometime to understand how to play the game. And the voice was really good. 

check out mine: -

it was my first jam. feedback would be very helpful.. 😊 

try out mine: -

It was my first game jam. Your feedback will really help

check out mine:-

this was my first game jam. Do check out my game. Your valuable feedback will really help me..

Nice Game. For Me It was little hard to control the character as it was moving too fast. And those background signs were really great as they move upwards and changes in every level.. Good one

hey try out mine:-

This was my first game jam. Your valuable feedback will really help me out..

Wow, Game was really fun.. simple looking sprites were so good. and I love the Idea of tower Defense type game. How I upgrade through and Got more worker to work

I love those sound when He says "ouch" "are you ok" 😂. I love this game.

Hey The Art Was Really Great specially the into.And the game was simple though fun. nice work in just 7 days

Ohk... that was a great FeedBack..thanku..I will definitely  work on the UI

The game Was really really fun. And the ragdoll looks so cool.Great job

thanks for your feedback ...

hey One thing I had to say, that is the pixel character  animation was really good. And I loved the first and second level after that it become repetitive and I was keep stucking in those walls..although the over all game was really great 

Wow, now this game feels really so much fun. Yup I missed That part. I think. If there was a controls section or a guide something like that will really help users like me . I directly Jumped to the Run game button 😂

Thanks for your feed back man ♥

thanks for your feedback, yup there I used Guards. As they are such character which I can reuse as many time as I want. And as a jam game I had to make things so I could have time to finish the Game. that's why I had to use guards. Although I had some plans ab assigning different characters. It was my first Game jam. .. Again thanks for Your valuable  feedback

Ok this game Was Nice. But One Thing ,when ever Clicked On a Obstacle it changes color but nothing happens after that. I was really expecting some ability of magnet man to pull or push things. Or may be I missed something . although the art was great. and the music was really good. .

Indeed, you're right. Implementing a wave system could have offered a distinct gameplay experience. However, in designing my game, my aim was to create a chilling and cute environment. A place where players could interact with fellow citizens, delve into their own story, and explore the world around them. For this particular game, I aimed to offer an experience that isn't solely focused on constant combat and surviving waves. Thank you for your valuable input – it's essential to strike a balance that aligns with the desired gameplay and atmosphere.

Again Thanks for Your feedback 😊