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A member registered Jun 18, 2023

Recent community posts

I loved this. It scared me in the beginning, but I loved the end. and yes screw work but most of all I appreciate all your hard work.

noooo I closed the tab!! I did that before I knew I could create an account...

Hell yeah I did this with my mousepad >:)

This game was fun! I'm not that great at games that rely on you maintaining fear levels but honestly, I'm not that bothered by the "easiness" that a lot of people are saying was a downside. my interpretation of the point of this game was to freak you out, which it did for me. Some games are just an experience that the devs want to convey, and MÆVE did make me jump :) 

Could be wrong, but the large shadow was the hat man?? Love the cutscenes, it felt like poetry lmao

back with another sorry! this game is just so cute



I compose music, and honestly I've been wanting to make some lofi too. this game is an inspiration!!

this game was so fun!!! I loved it so much <3

