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Juan corredor

A member registered Aug 20, 2023

Recent community posts


Hello, good at least three suggestions about the game. 1 insects: they would be enemies such as honeydew flies and among others and also have locations such as the honeycomb or a garbage can 

2 Sanity: it would be as if the player would be raped It goes up if Sanity is at Zero the player will see hallucinations This would be on Hard mode. 

3 The subway : This Sona would be full of enemies like flies, Dandas of survivors that attack the player and if the player is inside their base, they will be trapped in a prison, also the rats, which would be the most 

Extra suggestions:

1 : Mall: in this Place we have an enemy called sick, this enemy will be in random areas of the mall, this will mean that the player gets infected if the player Broken does not eat or If you spend 15 minutes playing you are infected 

2 Fence : what would happen is that the player can get in to increase life and if there is an enemy the player will be raped 

3 Metal bat: it would be a weapon that Enemies will lose a lot of life 

4 Boss: These appear in certain places or days 

5Easter eggs: how to Spawns one from fnaf among others 

Thanks for reading 

And when the next update comes out 

Bro there is a Bug that doesn't let you download it on Android, I already tried it with my cell phone and it doesn't let me download it and with another ta

A question when the wolves and giant spiders come out 

Here it goes with everything

Hello, there is a problem with the Android version because the Message from the books and notes also with the objects in the backpack, please, they cannot solve it, thank you very much and have a nice day 馃憤

Please put a version of Android because my quota machine is damaged

You're going to get the bees

Trio with enemies and also new enemies Like rabbits and spiders, nocturnal enemies

A question You give to put the Run gamer and the android version and there will also be a school 

A question when the new update comes out Because it is bugged why I get 99999

A question goes Astra on Android and the same as the other game

One question, I'm going to include the Android version or would it be possible to make an Android version alone?

When will the sharks be the bees?

When level 3 comes out

Question is the game for android 

You will be a discord server to inform in the meantime of the updates that are coming or not

There will be a water level 馃 The update comes Ocudre

Second question: there are going to be more bosses

There will be more inserts than the spider to the scorpion and the bee I'm going to post a Halloween update 馃

Yes a little weird but weirder than animatronics

oh no bro

No I'm sorry I'm not good I draw that

Please put a level of alien and the xenomorph yes if you can obviously here I made a fanart  I stay ugly 

I could bring in the werewolves and the dog Ask For you LAGS 馃
