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A member registered Sep 12, 2023

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It is a quest3.     I don't understand any of your other comments.


I have a video that works fine and has both video and sound on my pc, and in skybox on my q3.

In heresphere it has no soundtrack?   I even tried converting it using ffmeg to an mp4, but it still has no sound in heresphere (and the new mp4 still works fine in other apps).


Now that I have the manual patterns working, I have the same question -).

My current workaround is to just to split the manual pattern into several shorter segments with slow/medium/fast/etc. labels.

Ok, changing the directory a couple times and now I can see and select the files. I guess heresphere can't refresh on its own. Thanks.

I am only asking about manual patterns. I am not talking about matching funscripts to videos. I already have the interactive folder and heresphere can use it no problem.  What heresphere is not doing is allowing selection or playing of the manual funscripts.

I have several scripts that start with Pattern_xxx.funscript. 

There are no funscripts showing up in the dropdown selection window. Toggling the manual button does cause heresphere to give the message that the script is uploading (without any ability to select which one, but nothing ever uploads or plays, no matter how long you wait.

I also added one funscript / video with matching names to the same directory, and playing that video in "regular" mode loads and starts the funscript just fine. In this case the funscript is still not visible in the file folder on the q3 headset, only the video can be seen in the file folder.

Maybe not helpful.  To use xbvr on your headset the app has to always be running on your computer. On your computer you should be able to see all your files / funscripts  here  (step 3 above)   http://localhost:9999/ui/#/option

I only mention this because I remember that at some point my q2 would not connect, and I discovered that somehow the xbvr process on the computer had quit and was not currently running. Once restarted the error messages went away.

Then the headset connects to the xbvr server on your computer, make sure the "s" is missing, http, not https - and you have to pick the  http://192.x.x.x:9999 option (I tried the other ips xbvr says to use and they did not work). 

Also, I have used xbvr on both macbook m1, and windows, and both worked fine with no special settings or configurations. Just start the application, go to a browser window on the computer to confirm the app is running, and you should be good to go.

Added Pattern_someNameHere.funscript to name. Funscripts still do not show up. File permissions are ok. 

I put a video in the same directory and the q3 shows the video in the file list, and plays the video, but does not show any of the funscript files that are in the same directory. 

When I slide the manual script pattern button, heresphere says uploading script (how would heresphere know which one to choose?), but script never uploads and script never plays.

I have uploaded some scripts to use with the manual mode of the funscript player, but heresphere doesn't see them? I can see the files are in fact on the headset using sidequest.

When I have the app open on quest2, where on the screen can I find the version I am currently using? 

Also, do you send an email to all purchasers when a new version comes out?