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A member registered Dec 29, 2017 · View creator page →

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This is a pretty good game, the puzzles are better then our submission. But I would recommend 2 things. 1, hold to continue moving, because often i would hit it too early trying to go fast and just nothing would happen. 2, the hit sound cuts off really harsh and has quite a lot of high pitches, i did a lowpass filter on our game so it's more of a low bompf sound which is nicer on the ear. But damn man the mechanics work well with the dice rolling, having ways to change the rotation of the dice without moving the dice is so obvious in heinsight but works really well. 


Thank you very much, I also really liked the sprites. One if not my favorite thing of this game jam submission. I'm still trying to develop it further, the battle ui forexample is going to be more like what you would see in other games. This one was made because of the time limit.

I'll probably add something of a tutorial in later on the line as wel :D

good game! quite polised for a jam title. Impressive

good game! quite polised for a jam title. Impressive

thank! :D

In the game as it currently is there not really any winning :/

Also thanks! I hope to expend upon it in the future

Ah thanks for the feedback, everybody who I let playtest said the same. But I was really close to running out of time, if I've had more time I would have definitely added more visual feedback.

Didn't think losing a team member would be frustrating, interesting.

very cool little game, I like the fact that if your bullet is the wrong color it adds to the ones coming, a good way to keep players from spamming away.

also rather challenging to get an high score, I got around 100

Thanks for trying our game, I liked your idea as well, simple but challenging.