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A member registered Nov 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hah! yeah I am a early 90's kid so making light-hearted offensive takes on subjects is in my blood. I almost feel some ideas get too tame nowadays and really try not to hurt anyone's feelings to the point that it kills the fun of the video game. When you said that it reminded you of games you would make for you friends, it occurred to me that is the exactly what I think a lot of games are missing these days is that idea of generating conversation amongst friends. And usually generating those conversations don't revolve around the mundane, they usually revolve around one of your friends doing something wacky or silly, and you reacting to it. video games studios need to tap into more of that and stop taking themselves so seriously imo. Anyways, rant over, glad you enjoyed the game :D

Love the graphics! Not sure exactly what I was looking most of the time, but dang if it wasn't engaging and interesting!

I like the game but the framerate hurt my soul lol. Might just be my PC.

Solid game. Really got into it after a few seconds. Made sure I killed that boar every time! The player physics stand out with my only critique being that all you air momentum gets killed if you stop holding forward before you jump

Yeah I do have a tendency to balance things extremely hard when I am on a tight deadline hah. If I made the controls a little more precise it might not be such an issue. I did want it to be difficult because the game never ends, its a high score game. I am curious if anyone will get a good score given the difficulty.