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A member registered Dec 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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Stone makes you move even fasterrrr!!!!!!!!!!!  But it doesn't seem to like to show up very often.

Yeah.  That hammer is total trash.  It's towards the top of my list of things that need fixing.

Funny dialogue kept me wanting to play

That twist, though!  I saw it coming and I just didn't want it to be true.  Well played.

I started off not liking it... Then it started to become addictive.  Wonderful implementation.

Graphics are neat, but I've never been a flappy bird fan

Artwork is fresh but it's difficult to know what you're supposed to be doing in the game.

really cool.   But it seems to get stuck on the second puzzle

Beautiful use of simple graphics.  It's nice to see a platformer that forces you to take things slow and think

Wonderful story.  

This game is super cool.  I love the use of platform mechanics and macabre.  I'll definitely be coming back to play this all of the way through.

Sounds were my favorite part of the game.

Awesome game!  I love the AI and use of fake enemies to throw the player off

The art style is really fun.  It's like Southpark meets Scribblenauts.  

Thanks for the heads up!  I haven't had a chance to test on other computers.  I'll see what I can do to improve performance!
Also!  Follow your shadow and eventually, you'll get to a portal at the end.
It takes a few minutes and the game is procedural, so sometimes it's covered in lava and impossible to reach unless you have a strong balloon.
I'll be adding access to powerups and an actual UI in the future.