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A member registered May 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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The art style for the game is great. The gameplay in general is very smooth with everything having it's own purpose. The different animals having their own power level was cool and added a lot to the experience. The only thing that I would change is the player seems to move very slow which can make the gameplay feel tedious. Overall Great job!

I love the art style of this game! It feels unique and matches well with all aspects of the game. The gameplay is good on mobile and keyboard. I like the idea of the souls you pickup being your ammo, it adds another level to the gameplay. The speed of everything is good but sometimes it feels like the player moves to slow compared to how fast the devils move. Great Job!

This is a very good Recreation. The game seems smooth and polished like the original, the gameplay is self explanatory and not overly ambitious. All the art is good and it all looks like it was made for the same game. The game works very well on mobile and the UI is short and sweet which gets you into the game fast. Good Job!

Great job! I think the art direction is very fun to look at and everything matches the same theme, nothing looks out of place. The character animations look good and feel smooth together. The enemies look good and it doesn't feel like there are a lot of them, They sometimes get stuck on each other in doorways but minus that its good. The sound effects match well and provide good player feed back.