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A member registered Sep 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey! Currently the team I'm on has 3 programmers at all different levels, programmer overload. If you're interested in joining the team, DM me on discord at bb7e#6284.

My discord is bb7e#6284 if you're still looking for team members.

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Guess what? I just tried it again (yes I tried it a few times before I left a comment before) and it magically worked! It must have been something with my session, it's a super fun game! I especially love the voxel art vibe.

I'm using Internet Explorer. The best browser around. Obviously. 

I'm kidding of course, currently on chrome. But seriously that's really weird, you would think that for all game engines that could build to web chrome would be supported. Hm

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It's just pink for me :(

Like I can't see the game or anything in the browser

This game is so relaxing and fun! I love it :)

Thank you so much! I really love google games and am glad my game even comes close :)

(3 edits)

Is this entire game made from emojis lol


It's raining cactus!

It do be a lovely win screen

Lol, nice. Cactus lord do be lookin dapper tho

Lol nice, cool pixel art, it was fun to realize that I missed some doors and go back to find them.

Very cool, tho I can't get past the 3rd level lol

I am not pro gamer

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very cool

Dang, I got 43 too, I wonder if you can even go any higher. It's a cool mechanic the cactus growing and I'm wondering how you did the visuals for it... really cool. Your game is very similar to mine but very different at the same time.

Lol, nice. You have achieved comedy. 

You have to disable compression in the project settings for WebGL builds to work. Under edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Click WebGL Icon -> Publishing Settings -> Compression Format -> Disabled.

Hope this helps so people can play then next game you make :)

Thanks! The one track I remember is Cattle by Delicate Steve, it was like midnight when I added music and for the life of me I can't remember or find the second song lol.

I echo Proton Squid, amazing idea, very fun to play with.

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Amazing job! Especially love the environment the game creates. Beautiful. 

Really cool you have your own game engine and actually made a game with it, nice job! Also, I love the pixel art.