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A member registered Dec 06, 2022

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or wait long enough that the minic might stretch or something which it doesn't do often so you might have to wait a bit to see it unless you are lucky. 

Great update by the way love the new enemy sex scenes v0.6

I think treasure chests would be cool they could have better items stored in them but they could also be a mimic so you have to be careful. Only way to check them is taking a swing at them from a distance or realize they are in a suspicious location (for example right in the open) and not take the chance.

by qte I think they mean quick time event

a subway probably wouldn't fit but maybe a train can which could have a tunnel but a sewer would probably be better 

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mabye make it so foreground stuff and commands disappear in defeat sex scenes or you get censored. The screen is just to busy in these scenes and you can't break out of them so on screen controls aren't needed during these scenes 

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Version: 0.0.5

Platform: Android

Location: places with multiple enemies 

Bug content: my character was grabbed by 2 slimes at once and it copied my character so it could show 2 defeat sex scenes I unfortunately forgot to take a picture and it was fine after the scenes were done. I also couldn't reproduce it because the first time I was on top of the 2 slimes and my head was stuck on a door so it let the slimes grad at the same time

It would be easier to make the switch now compared to later but the choice is up to you in the end

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maybe change the inventory for mobile because the current one is way too small to read descriptions of items, hard to click on, and hard to see in general. If it took up a half or a third of the screen it might be better