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John Tomblin

A member registered Aug 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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To follow up on that the roots grow randomly with the odds determined by the soil quality. So on good (dark green) soil it'll grow quickly and on barren (light brown/gray) soil it'll grow very slowly or not at all.

I mean I'm not surprised at the self promotion (feel free to play mine I suppose) but I actually was super impressed by Nielle's Miasma. I could only play so many obviously (I think like 50 so far but out of 1400...). Honorable mention to Bready Set Go! for being the best game I played about spreading something on bread.

New one is basically web dev. Very different, way way better.

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Two of us have done jams before and the other hasn't and never with each other so it was hard to tell what was a good scope. I definitely see two areas I distinctly need to improve on though (familiarity with pathfinding implementations and learning UI Toolkit in unity).

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I think this would be easier if the song had a more noticeable distinct beat? This is a wonderful but very complex song so hitting it on beat is fairly difficult especially while trying to control a character and look at the beautiful art.

Yeah our team is planning to have a post-mortem meeting once we've recovered where we talk about what we learned, what we could do better, what we liked, skills we need to work on, etc. I think for me the first thing I want to start working on is Unity's UI Toolkit stuff. We used the old UI system and it was such a consistent headache and waste of time. I also need to get familiar with pathfinding stuff.

Take any feelings you have of not doing enough and channel them into learning and improving.

We definitely bit off more than we can chew and had to cut a lot of stuff. Lessons were learned but I'm pretty happy with the end result.

Personally about 50-60 hours. Assuming the other two full-time members did the same 150-180 + another 5-10 probably for the audio/sound person so maybe ballpark 150-200 hours.

Very cute! I love the art.

Amazing game. Y shape kind of sucks though x_x

If anyone is having a hard time remember you can remove modules and place them elsewhere fairly easily.

The intention is to use your arm as a platform and jump on it. I admit it is very hard to control though.

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Agreed. If we make any adjustments our top priority will be improving the movement and collision issues.

Glad to hear it! I really want to kill stuff with shaved ice.

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That's good but.. WHY ZQSD? How is that even possible to use? Edit: Oh I didn't know AZERTY was a thing.

Yeah I'm certain the game would be better with a different control scheme but it's a game jam and I don't see much harm in trying for a challenging interpretation of the theme.

Thanks for the feedback. While multiple buttons could've been easier I do think we could've made one button controls work with the game as is but ultimately we just ran out of time to properly implement it. The inability to move left or backwards is definitely a glaring issue that we'll likely fix if we do make any updates to it.

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Yeah I can use a log, lightning or a magnet as a weapon but not a storm, lava, fire sword or lightning sword? Also I got a snowcone which is neat but does that serve any purpose? Feels like a waste of time when the goal is to get weapons and you get a clay urn and a snowcone.

Can we get a crafting guide or some hints or something? I made about 20 items that weren't weapons :|

Also how the hell do I use the crucible? Also the fire urn. Uuugh.
I do love the crafting part though. Fighting is a bit buggy, I have 0 waves remaining and -9 enemies remaining (I think I killed them too quickly maybe?)
