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A member registered Jan 24, 2017 · View creator page →

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This was so so good dude, congrats

I don't get why there are so many song options when Synthetic Life is the only one that matters? (awesome job on this, I had a lot of fun)

Thanks for playing! To explain some stuff, I was the only person who worked on the game. The "crew" is the people who work at This was a game made for a fan game jam for their website. The theme of the game jam was "Giant Bomb is 10 Years Old!" because they've been a website for 10 years. The things they yell out as they run around are things those people are known for saying in videos. You should check out some of their video stuff!

my one regret is not making Jan's hair taller

should play Every Time We Touch by Cascada, I want my money back

pls nerf Find Abby

OHHHHHHH, Griffin like griffin!

It was a little unclear at first which blocks were background and which were on the character's plane. Try adding a little parallax to them and making sure the Garfields are in front of the purple ones to make it super clear. Jeff's penguin slide when you hit down while running is fuckin great

Really good feel to it, nice and snappy. I think some indication of where enemies are about to spawn (even if it's RIGHT before they spawn in) would help the player (or at least this bad player) feel like they were in control

Getting an error when trying to launch. "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)."

A little sound would have gone a long way! Even if it wasn't full-on podcast clips, some computerized grumble noises would have helped I think. 

My main recommendation would be to include the instructions and controls in the game itself- not everyone is going to have the patience to open the game page to read them. I liked the helicopter one the most once I got the hang of it

Awesome job on your first game! Keep at it! Next time you'll be able to do the mechanics in half the time and have extra time to add some more visual flair

Jeff's teleport is just down,down quickly. (Or K,K). If you hit escape during a fight it'll pause and bring up the move list!