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A member registered Aug 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Pretty fun game! Boss fights are fun, and the idea is really funny! One thing is to try to make feedback stronger because it was kind of vague when fights were close to ending. Good job!

Good concept! The wrench as a physics object is a big hard to work with, especially while its spinning. The other critique I have is that the actual hitbox for the brain is really small and hard to hit. With those fixes this game would be great! Either way though good job!

One of the best ones in this jam! Really, REALLY good polish and overall this is a very fun game! My only critique is that it is somewhat of a guessing game at times, but that isn't a big issue.

Good polish for incomplete game? I don't know if it was incomplete or I missed something, if I did let me know. Eventually I fell though a wall. Though the sound effects and general polish and visuals were very good!

Cool concept! It is quite hard to figure out what to do, and the tutorial screen is hard to read. For the dragging(assuming your using unity but this trick should work on most engines), make a bool to check and store if they've been clicked, then simply set the objects position to mouse until they user clicks again instead of doing it when they take their mouse off because you can move faster than the game updates. Good job though!

Very good visually, there was few issues with mouse that made it hard to get far. From what I was able to see it was really well made!

Short and sweet! Really good syncing to the song and it is quite satisfying to play! Would have loved to see more!

Extremely well done! This is a really solid idea with really well done execution! The progression of the game is natural and there was some really good game design in here! Level 4 and 5 were tough but the solution was very satisfying. My only critique is that the feedback for when you are getting close to running out could be more extreme, maybe like a rising tone along with some visuals showing stress. That said, this is extremely good!

Very solid! Pretty good concept with a decent execution! The feedback for hitting enemies was very crisp and the general gameplay loop was nice! Along from any criticism stated below(I don't just wanna rehash), I would say to make the main mechanic of picking up the car parts for intergraded with the gameplay. ie. Make it make you stronger, or make a challenging for each one like there is the last. Something like that. This game is very good though and you should be proud! I had a fun time with it.

Really good polish and fun gameplay! Not really much feedback this is pretty solid, and very difficult!

Your idea could be in the game!

Very good polish! Some issues with note sync but still very fun!

Took me a second to figure out but a really fun game!

The file lock ads are brutal! Other than that very good job with the art and polish of everything great job with this game!

Super fun and polished! Very hard although.

Very challenging game! Pretty polished and fun, with a unique concept to go with it! Great Job!

This is an extremely funny game with a funny concept! Good job!

Good references!

Fun Game! Very challenging hit boxes at time, but good sound and art design! Good Job!

(1 edit)

Simple game but very fun and unique! One small thing that could be improved is to make the mail icons more big and colorful to better draw your eyes to them. Overall good job!

Simple and Fun!

Fun Game! One change I would make is to add more variation as the game goes on. Other than that great job!

Extremely polished and very fun to play! Good Job!

Overall fun game! Could have used sound, but that didn't take much away from the experience! Though the levels where you had to help were very hard compared to the not help levels. Overall, good job!

Fun Game! Although the hixbox for the knife in the first level is a bit harsh.

Overall great job! The level design was very unique and fun! Furthermore the art in the game in simple and charming. The lack of music was sad, but it only slightly took away from this very fun game!

That a pretty creative idea, and the intro was very funny. A bit more UI could help with commination to the player but overall good job!

Simple and Fun! Although extremally hard to get far!

Very unique concept

I don't know if this was just my computer but the screen was a little messed up. I was still was able to play it and it was very fun and unique!

This game is a fever dream. Pretty fun though!

Pretty good for the amount of time you had to work with!

(1 edit)

Super Challenging!

Great Job! The game is very polished and fun!

The only thing I would criticize is that the side you pick does not make any gameplay difference besides the color switch, it would be cool if you get a different shot style or something.

Overall good job tho!


The only small thing I would have to critique is that I think the lasers should have two beats of warning--or I'm just bad.


Thank you!


I complety agreee