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A member registered May 27, 2017 · View creator page →

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Amazing, looks and plays great!

I liked the game, but I feel like I needed more time to navigate a path. Maybe if you could see them for a longer duration from the centre. That would also give you the ability to change speeds as the user progresses. 

Great concept, very satisfying just freestyling!

I agree the game needs a lot more refining, I got caught up in the coding as usual. You had some great suggestions, so I’ve made some simple changes and uploaded a post jam version. 

This is an isometric shooter but very much a prototype. 

Not at all. This was a game jam entry and as such I feel it belongs here.

Thanks that’s very kind, I don’t have any plans for a catalogue release but that might change. 

Thank you that's very kind of you. When the Jam post period is over I'll upload fixes and improvements to this current version. Once it's a stable build I'll start planning out a more detailed game.

(1 edit)

It does need a lot more work in the sound area but yes I was pretty happy with the sounds for the clock hands. I used "jsfxr" which offers create starting sounds with the ability to alter them.  You make a good point about the AM/PM visual, that is something I need to think about, maybe an animated chamber roll effect?

(1 edit)

No worries, on Windows.

Just tested on Mac and got similar error.

Couldn't find pdz file main.pdz

Thanks GammagoatRodeo, I really liked the art in your game also.

Totally agree about the explanation of slow time and making it clearer to understand.  Lots to fix and polish after the jam voting. I've got a few ideas to expand the game and I also like your suggestions so I'll add them to the mix,  thanks.

Just a heads up the game didn't work when first downloaded to PC as it wasn't recognised as a zip file.

I got it working but others might have issues.

Tried to load in simulator got:

Load failed, error: (null)

Update error: no such function 'update'

Thanks,  I'm very proud of my 11 year old son who created all the graphics and animation in Pro Motion NG.  Thanks for taking the time to play the game.

Glad you enjoyed it.

We wanted to add a few more creatures but just didn't have enough time. Well done for getting that far.  

Yes we needed to be more clear about the stamina as there is a cool down so you can't go crazy with endless attacks. 

Cool character however you should lower the music volume as it was a little distracting.

I found the player controls a little strange but that might just be me. The game does have a nice vibe though. 

Great idea but not sure if its a bug but we couldn't tell when we where getting dizzy/hurt. With a little bit more polish this could be a really good game.

Very effective use of pixels. The attack was a little hard to use but still fun to play.  

Cute little game, really young kids would love it.

Well done,  it's great fun.

Nice game. Love the pixel art!

Sorry Mac version is probably going to take longer as I've come up against a lot of certificate issues and key chain problems.  Going to take me some time to sort out.

Thanks. We started late and ran out of time and couldn't put half the puzzle items into the game.
Also the art isn't finished but that's the case for almost all game jam enteries I guess.
I try and get a mac version up in the next day or so.

p.s Your game looks really good and with actual proper puzzles, great work!

Thanks dungeon,

It seems others feel the same so I'm going continue development.



Thanks for mentioning the sound issue, I was in such a rush to get all the basics working I missed it. I've done a basic update and fixed the sound and added a extra level.

Interesting mechanic but maybe it could be simplified by not needing to drag the mouse by using a arrow keys for direction. I found most of the time my mouse was a very long way from the game interface.

Liked the idea but didn't understand what I was doing. I think it needs a visual response for the key press action so it's clear as to what is happening.

nice atmosphere at start, made me think of superbrothers sword and sworcery.

I'm really sorry but I found the main character hard to look at due to the interpolation of pixels. Pixel rotation never works well and you're best drawing the rotation if not 90 degrees. 

It's not anything new but well done for creating a game as it's hard than most people realize and a great accomplished.

Felt Gameboy like. The second level is totally unforgiving but still didn't stop me from wanting to get past it even though it's probably impossible. :)