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A member registered Feb 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Fixed! It was a bug with the new first-time-tutorial menu - thanks a lot for the report.

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot for your feedback!

Monsters not regening while stunned is intended, but I have noted that the stun in timed mode is certainly too strong.

Currently, timed mode enemy regen is operating on the same rules as classic mode: where enemies reset after a missed turn, rather than on a time-basis.

This was set to not make timed mode "too easy", but I can see how it would be unintuitive. I believe what you were encountering might've been a result of the stun timer, which does operate on a frame basis, ending as your combos were ongoing. I will make sure to look back and check for bugs though in this area.

The new classes currently planned are harder versions of the base two classes, with access to different abilities and items, and unlocks. That being said, more might be added as I come up with ideas. 

An update will be coming to this demo soon, with a new level and the unlock/equipment system. Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed the game!

Dungeons & Jewels is a rougelike puzzle game with a unique twist on combat and a variety of build options.

After almost a year of solo development and private testing, a public demo is finally ready!

Collect relics. Learn Spells.

 Fight enemies and use your abilities by matching tiles, setting up combos, and solving puzzles.

Full version to be released soon on Steam and, including 6 levels, 50+ spells/relics, 4 playable characters, and more!

Playable demo and more info available here:

All feedback and critique is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.