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A member registered Jun 07, 2020

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Ok, thank you!

Following up: The same state/template appears to work for one skill cast by an actor, but not for another one cast by an enemy. The state is getting applied to the enemy (I can see it visually, and other "test" effects of the state work), but it isn't raising defense of the enemy, as it does for the actor, when the state is applied. Does this only work for actors and not enemies?


I didn't because instructions for the card plugin said to put it above other plugins. But I followed your advice and it seems to work, for now. Thank you!

(3 edits)

Hmm ok. The only other plugin I am using that isn't yours is the Card Game Combat plugin by MythAtelier. This shouldn't mess with parameters though. However, when I use a blank project with only your plugins, it works correctly. It must have something to do with this other plugin. Too bad because I really would love to use your plugin!

Hi there and thanks for the quick response. I am using RPG Maker MZ version 1.5.0 on Mac. It's possible that I don't understand the template; however, I am able to get things working with positive values, just not negative values. 

Everything else besides the attack change is set to the default settings.

Thank you!

Hi there,

I'm not sure if I'm doing this incorrectly, but negative numbers don't work in this plugin. In a template, any param given a negative number sets it to -1, and only -1. If I set it to -3, -10, or -100, it simply reduces the param by 1. Positive number work correctly. Any idea why this might happen? Really need this to work for my game. Thanks.