Hi all,
I run a startup called Story Prism - we build AI based writing tools to help anyone go from idea to finished story quickly. We currently have a live beta up (www.storyprism.io). My partner and I are filmmakers and originally designed this for screenwriters and novelists, however a friend of ours gave us the idea that this could be great for video game designers looking to write a story for their game.
I don't know much about this industry and wondered if anyone would be willing to have a chat with me about your experience writing a story for games. I would be willing to compensate you for your time with a $10 Amazon gift card.
If interested, please sign up with this form here and I will get back to you - https://forms.gle/WdxcvryoQKjnzhM3A
Thank you so much!
A member registered Feb 04, 2022
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