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A member registered Sep 25, 2018 · View creator page →

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Played to level 3 and didn't think twice about not hearing a thing. the audio is really quite. Definitely should increase the audio levels in game. 

I really liked the whole grab the block and move yourself around on it. (It is a little OP for the theme though, nothing limiting use of the block but that's fine). 

Also, that block was the thing that ended my run on level 3. I was testing the limits of how I could move the block through the floor... I ended up yeeting my self off screen and crashing the whole thing. Lmao

One other suggestion if you want to continue working on this:

  1. figure out a way for users to walk up the hills without needing to jump.  (unless that was intended from the start)

I know we had a time limit, but it might have been a good idea to explain the attack has to be used with the reverse. Also, might have wanted to add an animation to the attack.