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A member registered Sep 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hello! I am the person who made the music and sounds. I would be very interested to know which sounds are too loud, since I balanced the whole thing at -10 db with a peak of -7. I'd be interested to correct it

Very cool game! The concept is super simple, but very fun! The music fits really well. I would only suggests maybe adding more ennemies in the future, but it is nonetheless a very polished game! Congrats!

Very nice concept! The minimalistic artstyle is very pretty, and the main menu is beautiful! However, I would have liked a warning when a meteor approach the earth, because I would often lose from asteroids i never saw coming. 

(2 edits)

---Description en français en bas---

Controls :

Arms up: W

Arms down: S

Arms to the right: A

Arms to the left: D

Dancing with a penguin: Space bar

Stop the game: Escape

It's breeding season for the penguins! And the biggest seduction event is in town: The Icebreaker! This great annual celebration will allow you to meet many partners, each one as charming as the next!

However, to charm a partner, it will not be easy. Indeed, you will have to demonstrate your dancing skills!

Copy your opponent's moves to convince him / her, using good rhythm, to come with you! Try to gather as many mates as possible before the sun comes up!

However, beware. If you ever fail to charm an opponent, all of your partners will be so ashamed of you that they will abandon you on the spot!

So, who will be the big winner of the Icebreaker?

Contrôles :

Bras vers le haut : W

Bras vers le bas : S

Bras vers la droite : A

Bras vers la gauche : D

Danser avec un manchot/e : Barre d’espace

Terminer la partie : Escape

C’est la saison de reproduction chez les manchots! Et le plus grand évènement de séduction est en ville : Le Icebreaker! Cette grande fête annuelle vous permettra de rencontrer de nombreux partenaires, tous aussi charmant les uns que les autres!

Cependant, pour charmer un/e partenaire, ce ne sera pas chose aisé. En effet, vous devrez démontrer vos talents de danse!

Copiez les mouvements de votre adversaire dans le bon rythme afin de le/la convaincre de vous accompagner! Essayez d’amasser le plus de partenaires possibles avant la fin de la nuit!

Cependant, prenez garde. Si jamais vous ne réussissez pas à charmer un adversaire, tous vos partenaires auront tellement honte de vous qu’il vous abandonneront sur le champs!

Alors, qui sera le grand vainqueur du Icebreaker?