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A member registered Jan 15, 2020

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(1 edit)

Noah: I can't, we can't think clearly, I don't want you to regret anything

Aura: FINE take me to <spoiler> when

Noah: *shocked pickachu face*

If you let him go there, Noah, I SWEAR TO GOD-

Thanks! I'll turn the battles off for now then. They're pretty interesting (I love battles like these a lot!), but I want to play this game as soon as I can :3

Yeah, I have the same issue :< Don't know what to do, the game looks very good and I really want to keep playing it.

The last 2 updates were both heartbreaking and healing, esp in Julien's route. Like. THIS IS SOME KIND OF FUCKERY I knew i should expect from Oscar and still I didn't, even after the update what branched the game into routes. Julien though. He's my hero. 

I didn't expect to love Cami's route as much as i'm liking it now! I think he and Julien are my favorites now, with Nor being strong 3rd choice. I love how he calls Aura "shortie" and how badass he and Eisha are. 

Every update cheers me up so much, I love this game! It warms my heart and brightens my day every time I get notification new update is up and I have some more scenes to play. Thank you for all the effort you put into this game <3

I saw this game some time ago, but waited till I got paycheck try it. And boooy I did not regret a single thing. I love this game so much!!!

Noah, the obvious alpha of choice, Julien, who I saw and was like "heart eyes, binch". I love him. IDK what doc said about beta-omega couple making no sense, i love him and he WILL know that. Also he needs a week long nap right freaking now.

The twins! I love them both. Esha is so friendly from the very beginning and Nor calls Aura "shortie" and casually looks after him. !!!! I love them!

And Cami. I wasn't very big fun and omega-omega pairing, but Cami and his implications about whom he's gonna ask to spend heat with have my little heart go <3<3<3.

Also prof. St. Clair. Can he be love interest too?...Pretty please. I love him and I love his son (Angelo is a literal angel!!!If anything bad happens to him I'm taking the entire academy hostage)

And I love the whole mystery/horror plot going on! Poor Sasha... I have suspicion who's he to Aura...

I don't trust headmaster and doctor even a bit. Something's shady going on with these 2, I just hope whatever prof St. Clair is very busy with later has nothing to do with it.