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Thanks, glad you enjoyed playing!

I can only just beat hard 🤣 I’ve never beat impossible

This is really impressive for the time limit and was really fun to play! Good job

Cute game!!

Cool take to the theme, I love escape games

oh no!! There has been other people with that issue but I didn’t have time to fix it. Will fix it in the future for specific devices lol!

Really fun to play! Good job. Was quite difficult though, or maybe I'm just bad at every game I touch lol!

This is such an awesome take to the theme good work! I really liked the style and achievements

(1 edit)

Thanks!! I can't even get past impossible myself, lol

Thankyou for playing, glad you had fun! To be honest I can't even complete the last difficulty myself haha

Thankyou for playing my game, apologies for the late reply I have been away. I am glad you enjoyed it!!

Thankyou, glad you enjoyed!! I was thinking about a potential infinite mode in the future. Did you manage to complete impossible lol

Thankyou for your feedback, apologies about the void, there have been a few issues on various different machines, I didn't have time to fix it unfortunately, but will look into it soon.

Hello, thankyou for your comment and I am glad you enjoyed my game! Apologies for the late replies I was on holiday and haven't used itch at all. Typing whole words would be something worth looking at and would be an awesome game mode, thanks. There has been void issues and some people are actually unable to play the game lol, I need to fix that :')


Fun game, good job!