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A member registered Apr 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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It is highly possible yor Chromebook is not equipped to handle the game. DDLC is a rather large game, and while this game is much smaller, it would be understandable that too small of a processor or computer would have difficulty.

My saga of reviewing begins 2.0 [ehehe, I have no idea if this will spam your inbox, Royce]

THIS GAME. I had already played all your other games to date when I first played [and playtested] this game but the entire game and the buildup it has to the final scenes are absolutely heartbreaking. I went in expecting silly thieves but this wrecked me on a level unimaginable. In a good way of course. I actually played this game in full for the first time with my platonic partner so it was 2x as heartbreaking near the end. Of course, this game as a whole was just pure fun, the dialogue, the game’s mechanics, the artwork ESPECIALLY made the game pure perfection. The fact that you were able to replicate a certain somebody’s artstyle is also highly impressive, for a second I thought it was just clean manga rips! I have and will continue to replay this game as well, the message from it only becomes clear as everything comes together at the end, which I greatly enjoy as well.

[And maybe, just slightly, very slightly maybe this inspired me to start working on a Lupin III VN of my own]

My saga of reviewing begins [ehehe, I have no idea if this will spam your inbox, Royce]

I loved this game! I think the concept alone hooked me from the start, and the point-and-click aspects made it a lot more fun. Not to mention just how great the art is, I think you could make a game about listing the entire dictionary and I would still play it just to see your artwork. Especially with all the details in this game, they make it environmentally astounding, as well as a joy to look at, even in some of thesadder aspects of the game. Overall a very fun play!

You drew this very well! The fact you also portrayed the characters, in my opinion, in a way they would act in Mankatsu was also nice, I enjoyed it a lot. Definetly not enough Okita x Yankee, or even Bakumatsu Yankee content in the world, it is a crime

Hello Marionette, I have no idea if this is a general function error or not, but when viewing the CGs in the gallery, the photos from the phone call endings [Romeo happy vs sad, Dirk’s wanted poster vs contemplating the orange, etc.] are stretched out rather oddly and fill the screen rather than staying their respective photo ratio, the phone number posters appear to be fine, as well as the CGs of Nine, Nyari, and everyone else. During the game’s ending the photos look fine, but in the gallery is when they stretch out.