Are you planning on putting it on steam or free ?
Can you make an exe for your game?
Can you make an exe for you game my browser does not work.
Here you go Full game:
This was an amazing tech demo you ever though of continuing it in the form of episodes or make a game inspired by forbidden siren because these types of games are needed more than more walking simuladors.
where to download?
Um are you alive?
the horror archives.
Woah this game looks cool hey i have a youtube channel you think you can offer me a free copy to show case it.
oh can you try?
is there an exe version for your game?
oh ok because i prefer to play on exe rather than web.
is there an exe for your game?
is there an exe or rom for this game?
oh ok even if you cannot get exe atleast you can try uploading a rom for it.
ok cool.
oh ok well thanks for responding anyway.
can you add a exe for your game i prefer exe than html.
is there an exe version of you game?
is there an exe version of your game?
i just preferred a exe version rather than html that way i do not worry about internet connection going away.
could you make a exe version for your game?
oh good because i prefer more an exe than html you know.
Could you make a exe or rom file for the game?
can you make an exe for your game?
Is there an exe version of your game?
can you upload an exe version of your game please?
Think you can upload an exe of your game i prefer to play on exe rather than browser.