Oh sorry i do not have a DM or a link to a mega or google drive i am surprised that the version i saw is the 2 chapter one i just assumed that since chapter 4 was finish you uploaded to itch.io also i am glad i have the option to stream it on my channel thanks.
Oh boy i cannot wait what you been cooking all this time by the way thank you for dedicating in making this awesome survival horror game no doubt this will be a rpg maker classic heck even better than the witch house how rare it is to find a good horror game that is not walking around boring haunted houses these days.
Is it the first computer that has the security cameras or the second computer to leave the station? All the hints are in the files you find throughout the station but for clarity, I'll give you the answers here :)
1st computer
Login name: L. Lopez
camera 3 password: Angel
2nd computer
Login name: I. Anderson
red hint password: Train
blue hint password: Guilty
Hope this helps! :)
thanks i will try oh boy your game has shaped up since the last time i played it in my channel i hope it gets the title of rpg maker classic oh yeah i discovered some glitches like when the boss the shackled gets stuck idled and does nothing or the giant humanoid chaser enemy gets glued to the walls and cant get out.
Thank you very much, I appreciate the kind words! Still trying to get everything done and polished but it takes time for sure. Ahh, that first glitch I knew of and I thought I fixed but I guess I have to look at it again. The one with the Thresher I do know of, and it happens when you enter and exit a room quickly while he's chasing you, still needs to be fixed :) but thank you for point them out still!