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JAMN Studio

A member registered Jun 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Block Breaker - Ultimate Edition

by jermzig

Break blocks, control multiples paddles at once, discover secrets, did that wall disappear? What is that strange glowing orb?

My take on the traditional block breaking games. Built to learn C# and Unity years ago. I have since moved onto Godot and plan to have some new game demos up within the year.

So, my first attempt to solve level 10 was to go back to main menu and use that search bar that I had yet to find function for. I typed in "platformsettings.txt" and hit enter. I had the menu window closed. When I hit enter a window asking if I really wanted to delete all save data popped up with a Yes or No. Now, because level 10 mentioned saves I thought that I had figured it out. So, I spam clicked enter enough for me to mouse over and click yes. But all this really did was trigger a "start new game" selection. I had collected all bugs up to that point and had just spent way to much time in Photoshop drawing out my path for level 9 (see previous post). So a bit of rage swelled inside me momentarily lol.

So, if there is a way to fix that? Not sure many people would replicate what I did here.

Either way, I love your game! Will just play it again to get to solve that last puzzle. in your Youtube video you mention Toad Treasure Tracker, but I've got to say, I found this way more fun and engaging. As many new levels as you can design/come up with I'd play. Stumbled upon this looking for inspiration to get me started on my next game and have now lost a night that I should've been modeling/design, but well worth it. So many great ideas here and you kept it so simple! I can not believe this was made in just 7 days! Great work!

So, I figured out how to solve this fairly quickly and loved the idea. However, carrying out the task became frustrating and lost all fun, I almost quit the game entirely. However, as the game kind of already was meta with the amount you had to pause and use that menu to solve puzzles, I decided to do a screen shot, flip it and rotate it and draw my path to make it easier to follow. I then thought I'd share here with anyone who wanted that aid, however, upon loading level again I realized it is coded to randomly generate! haha, nice touch. So, my thinking, maybe color code the path a bit or potentially build an in game screen shot tool and drawing tool for this level to do the same I did?