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A member registered Jul 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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Was a difficult game but the concept is good. I think focusing on making controlling/assigning actions to rolls to be easier as even in slow mode it just takes too long to assign a button while reacting to the actions being made while searching for the right action in the falling actions.

(1 edit)

This was a lot of fun. I'm not sure if I played all of the platforms but it was pretty and fun platformer :)

Fun and ran well!

I initially struggled to understand how to play or what to do. I think the idea is very creative though but getting the information to the player could help with the gameplay.

Very hard even with the dice rolling damage mechanic; it is easy to miss your swing and lose it.
FYI I found a bug to get infinite I-frames which made it easier but took the fun out (attack while dashing).

I did like the game though some more guidance in game and some character movement/attack improvements could improve this a lot.