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A member registered Feb 11, 2014 · View creator page →

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caught me off guard that you could multi-jump, but it was fun flying around the levels!

thanks! i built it just with HTML5 and javascript

oh, I finally got the ZORG DEVICE and brought it to the place where it says [SPACE] congratulations! you made it! 

but pressing space doesn't do anything... oh well. at least I did it!

started playing through this this morning, i really love the atmosphere. I really want to find out what happens at the end so now I'm on an endless hunt for chips and batteries!!! the crafting system is really cute but I want to know who I am..

Ohh, I'll fix the broom smacking bug issue! 

As for turn around... I need to figure out a resolution for that... I'll experiment

i'm so glad to hear your feedback and imagination for the evolving storyline of the final game :D! You may be on to something..

I'll have to check out Princess Remedy, I've actually never heard of that until now!

fun! i beat it once and then i died. the camera lock is very useful for scouting and isolating ghosts so you can 1v1 them!, but I kept wishing they would drop health cuz I was running around with 1/3 HP

oops! thanks for pointing that out, it seems i somehow broke all collision with non-tile objects, but it should be fixed now and I just uploaded a new version.

I'm really glad to hear you enjoy spending time in it! I love your phrasing. I want to add an NPC who has this face (^v^) cherishing this strange, broken world now! 


Love this asset pack so so much. Balloon Cart your work continues to stun! (I've been using this + forest zone a lot in my game)

really like this game! super fun twist on minesweeper and the monsters are really cute

um, very cool and cute

just uploaded one... I tried it out on my partner's mac and it seems to run okay except for a few graphical glitches not present in the windows version. I haven't played through it fully though so no promises that it works completely!

i admire the perseverence! you did it!

Thank you for your kind words, I'm happy that it feels so homely! I have a revamped demo coming soon now that I've found a more cohesive structure for the game..

As for the music, here is a folder with some of it:

pretty much all the music is by markeryjane, who I commissioned a couple times to make music for this game (and an earlier 3D prototype of it!). I also find their work haunting and enchanting

Oh, I removed the demo while I have been working on a new version! I'll reupload soon

throwing my hat into the ring!!! although it might not be fair since I've played so so many times

this game is so fun and cute. the animations and movement fill me with such joy. i planted the acorn!


it does on, I am going to investigate why there is a difference lol

here here!

this looks really beautiful!! love the artistic direction here

interesting... new speedrunning strat

this is genius but very sad

thanks! :-)

thanks! yeah it's a bit harsh of a precise control platformer. I'm trying to lax up with the sequel i'm making


whats that%?? youre breaking up..

thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you!! I am glad you liked it so!

So excited you liked the first one! I hope to capture a similar charm in this follow up!

this is such a cool project and the variety of things poppin up in the garden was so fun to discover!

That's a great point about the crt effect too! I'll definitely add some menu options to disable those. Thank you so much again for the feedback :)!

Thanks so much for playing and for the feedback! I really appreciate it!

You actually can disable the glitch effects by pressing CTRL+X, but I will add a prompt in-game to notify players of this, as it can be quite disorienting. 

Yes, perhaps I'll slow down the broom a tiny bit and allow a wider window of input for the double jump by letting you queue it the whole time while sweeping.

heck yeah thank you :)

hell yeah thanks

Ah! Yes, that makes a lot of sense! A couple of friends I had try this earlier gave very similar feedback so I will try to add more landmarks and directioning. Thanks!

Thank you for playing and the feedback Ben! With forward direction do you just mean having a higher max walking speed or some kind of way to dash forward? The broom could use some work, I am still tweaking it but not sure exactly what it needs just yet..

this game was so visually beautiful, and very calming and fun to play through. kudos to your pixel art and writing!! I did not know there was a Bitsy 3D, I will have to check it out!

This game made me tear up. Hedgehogs were my favorite animal as a kid, and I want to help protect them too. Thank you for making this game!

This is very mystical and beautiful!