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A member registered Feb 19, 2024 · View creator page →

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Is the mini-game enjoyable or a bit of a hassle? Any thoughts on how to make it more fun?

In my opinion the game was well developed, I liked the graphics used, t I think it could use a bit of a boost in the fun department. Maybe mixing up the challenges a bit or adding different tasks for each plant could keep players more engaged. 

How's the procedural generation working out for exploration?

Exploring's not bad, but it's got its ups and downs. Sometimes it feels like there's a bit too much empty space, and those hilly areas can be a bit of a pain to navigate. I suggest  to sprinkle in a few more interesting landmarks or hidden surprises to discover along the way. That'd definitely make exploring feel more rewarding and exciting.

Are there any pesky bugs causing trouble in the game?

There are  a couple of little critters causing mischief in the game. Like, sometimes you'll come across objects just hanging out in mid-air, which is kind of odd. 

The game was fun, and I enjoyed the background music. However, I found the playing area to be too large, which made it difficult to find the bear. Despite that, I got a thrill when the bear started chasing me. I also noticed there was no winning screen—I defeated the bear but got a game over screen instead.


Really enjoying the game! It's super fun, but I had some trouble making money because the crates were moving too fast, and I couldn't quite catch if they were good or not in time. Still, overall, I liked the game. Also, not sure if it was just my computer acting up or a general glitch, but I kept getting this gray rectangle in the middle of the screen that wouldn't go away.