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A member registered Mar 10, 2023

Recent community posts

oh dang. Yeah i see the passage now. Ive walked by it so many times and didnt even realize it was there. Its sooo hard to see. Thank you for the tip! 

My current mission is 'A Night to Remember': Go to the bar and talk to Martin. 

I'm currently in the wilderness, and have explored it pretty extensively. My team has setup camp in the 'Resistance Camp' (An abandoned house if I remember). There are some caves to the west that led me to the wilderness but I am blocked from returning to town through them and I can't seem to find any other path back to town.

This is a truly phenomenal game, however I got stuck and haven't been able to find my way back to town. I've put in so many hours just trying to get to the next quest but I think I might have soft locked myself somehow. Sad day, I was pretty far into it too. 

im sorry for being an ass. Its just an annoying way to describe your problem. Its not a scam, its a bug at worst. Just let the devs know. But dont be so obnoxious about a free game. 

Yeah bruh?

its not worth it

1.8 was a massive let down. 

there is a reason they are giving this one away for free. Dont get your hopes up folks. 

youre not too bright, are ya?

But actually yes

press space bar and then click on the spray.

clearly you do not


press space and then click it to equip it. Not sure why they made it that way. 

lol, they probably dont want you playing the game anymore because youre an obnoxious human being. Take a hint and take a hike. 

youre a dumb ass. Do you know what a scam is? 

i had to open my inventory and equip it and then it worked. Didn't have to so that before though. 

You called that articulation? lolz. 

Not mad, more bemused at the entitlement attitude of freeloaders. 

stay needy dude. 

Based on the reactions, you seem to be in the minority there XD

Cute Game <3

lol, ooh, a free game doesn't meet your requirements for customer support? I'm sure the loss of your 'business' will be devastating to them. 

why is there always someone crying for an android version in the comments? If you want an android version then offer to fund it. Otherwise, quit standing around with your hand out like a bafoon and say thank you to the nice person who provided you with some free entertainment.