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Jack Griffiths

A member registered May 25, 2017 · View creator page →

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I've just released my virtual reality tower defence project, High Ground VR! This game was made for my final year project at University, therefore it has become a bit of an obsession of mine over the past 20-ish weeks. 

If any of you have a VR platform and want to try it, I'd love some feedback! This release is kinda preliminary before a release on the viveport store, just to get some feedback and general perceptions of the game! 

Thanks <3

This video was made as a demo to my project supervisor, hence might include some tech-ey knowledge that isn't super important. It does however give a great idea of why I've made the game and how it works! :) 

Thanks for asking!

Sure! I'd appreciate a link to my twitter , somewhere in the project. Thanks! Keep me updated on what they're used for, i'd love to see!

(1 edit)

Brilliantly made survival game. The mix of charming drawings, animations, and really in depth survival mechanics made this game actually quite a challenge to complete!

I found myself occasionally lost, only to follow the roads back to the house and realize it had run out of energy and I'd freeze to death... 

The resource gathering was perfectly balanced, I constantly wanted to go out and collect materials for the next thing available to craft, and the giant fireballs of death were very worthy enemies!

Definitely worth a play

Thank you so much for playing! I've been having similar issues reported by a few people, I'll get to fixing it asap :) 

Really enjoyed following this project through it's development! Love the final result, especially the difficulty increments as I go through and learn the controls! 10/10IGN

Really enjoyed this game, great experience made in a impressively short time! Well done guys!