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A member registered Sep 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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Tiny nitpicks:

- Spacebar is in the `ui_accept` (i think) input action so closing the shop also presses a button.

- I would've preferred the "picking up" raycast if that's what it is, to be in the input direction rather than the player's actual facing direction. Sometimes I would press a direction and try to pick up an apple, but the player didn't turn fast enough so I would just kick it off the island. But that also might feel a bit unnatural so idk.

Otherwise, nice.


Nice game. The controls feel backwards to me, but I get why you did it that way.

Thanks. I've tried to do something like this before, so I had a rough idea of what to expect this time.

Thanks for the feedback! I did originally plan to have a traditional grappling hook like you said with more puzzl-y levels, but I couldn't get it to work quite right that way.

Yeah, I can't wait for Godot 4.0 to be stable.

This is a really cool game. Was sad to see it end so soon. If you see this, do you have any idea how long this took to make, I've recently been learning SDL.

Very nice, first game I've seen made in Godot :D

This is a really great game, i cant wait for the full release :D

Really good game, has great potential, one suggestion is being able to change the size of the game or to just have it stick to the border of the window, also in 505 to the left of the door if you jump while behind the stone bricks you can see his head, just thought i should mention that :D

I don't really see the point but good game. :)

Looks really good, once you update the game a bit more i'll download it :D