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A member registered Dec 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Nice! I was playing for a long time with the enemy sight code, I was afraid it might be too op so I toned it down after testing. Also I never saw during testing that you could move like that. HTML5 bugs maybe? Is it in the download version?

(1 edit)

You know what's funny tho? I actually had the "w" to jump coded in and then I removed it cause I thought it would be confusing. lol

True, we struggled a bit deciding the ambient lighting. We tried to give it a dark nightish vibe but I guess it might have been too much.

Thanks for the comments. Indeed I didn't code that you could be able to jump with w. Maybe I should have since it's fairly easy and I was already using the Input Axis for the horizontal movement. As for the crash, that's just the only level we did, sorry for the lack of content, jeje.

Did you read the description?