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A member registered Jan 31, 2022

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好评,就是到最后将桌面图标破坏以后就没动静了,重开也只是restart,或许有深意?(还是因为 玩的不对吗)

funny game, what immersed me was the last meme"did u win son?"

Excellent game I think, each character own there different plus  form, also possess the other's skills. Really impressed me, for which I couldn't resist my temptation to play for three times( each for a character). Thank you 4 ur hard work.

I could barely resist my temptation to write a comment. This game did impress me with its glamourous bgm and background, what's more the ending of "Lost" is so esthetical, by which I recalled a game with the similiar ending(Getting over it). Thanks a lot for ur hard work, ur game is indeed a paramount game among  the whole jam.

Good game, yet why not release the following edition XD, I had defeated the ward then know there is no entire edition orz

Nice game except the spiral orb did disturb me, which could force me to death more than 5 times in a single level.( It's danmaku could pass across the wall and magically hit me despite that it even didn't target at me first) To some degree it frusteated me for a while when I continued 3 times in the 3rd main floor, yet I will still attempt to finish it and see what's the ending of it. Thank u 4 ur work.

Nice game, I had passed the second boss yet there seems that no new bosses will pop up. Is this the end of the game?

A really fun game, despite the control method did confuse my clumsy hand.

(2 edits)

Thank you for your patient reply. Since you had offered the method, I eventually made it to the stage 7, yet I always cost more lifes than I predicted in 1~6, which cause my failure orz. Nonetheless, having a sight at the final stage is enough for me( unless there still exists ending, and my ability seemd to restrict me)

Besides, I'm surprised too when I got the reply when I comment on a jam game 4 years ago :p. Under a pressure of fast-paced life, I could hardly found time to play huge games, in stead of which I found touhou jam and determinded to play the whole series.( The embarassing thing is that till now I had only played 4/13 of them, from jam 2-5)

What's more, I'd like to submit a bug( maybe?) Between the stage 5 and 6, it's probably occur a error of a huge amount of danmaku, reducing my remaining life to 0( I tried to illustrate the photo yet the itch didn't reflect me at all, so I didn't even know could you see my awkward condition) 


a lot of danmaku

I know it's unrealistic to ask the author to revise a game published 4years ago, and I just want to warn this mistake to the person who may play it in the future.

ps: English is not my native language, and I might made several thoughtless mistake in the text above, hope they won't fluence my original opinion. If you found some offensive words, the only thing I could promise is that I didn't type them on purpose, and in that case I would apology for my inconsideration.

Fun as it is, the game is kinda indeed difficult, after many trials I still couldn't make it to the 6th stage. Maybe my ability to escape danmaku should be improved? I dunno :P

Hardly could I managed to download it... mega was empty( i'm not sure whether it displayed error) yet google drive's download speed was so "impresive" (especially when u r in the "wall" u will undergo a hard time waiting for the 0kb/s) and eventually I made it. The game itself indeed give me a surprise( not easy to make a 3d game in a jam) yet my spacebar seemed unuseable in game, with which came the loss of my jump ability :( 

Your video offered me a further view into the ture ending, heartfelt thanks.

Nonetheless, the 4th circumstance is nearly cruel XD, player barely remain any money before the boss battle, while the only way to Rinnosuke‘s shop was "a quarter of million yen". I did met Ruukoto and Rock(at the first sight of each five crystals I sensed they could served as clues for the questions following), even visit Kosuzu with Reimu(and she offered some help iirc), and failed the final condition, what a pity(though I then learnt the right manner from ur video)

Anyway, thanks for ur hard work, not only for reply but also for the video you made♪(´▽`)

(1 edit)

It was when I review my comment again that I found I pressed the key 2 rather than 3 by mistake( when recovered in the guest room of the mansion I recognized the 3 branches for each routine, and I tried each one shortly for a while, yet I didn't predict they will lead to different ending).

However, during the process I hadn't found another choice which could influence the storyline, so the pre-condition of "the true Reimu ending" is to finish all the 3 endings? (After the final boss battle, Reimu and the other two went through a door, then fight with Tokiko for saving her, I do wonder is this part the true enging, or just a normal content of the whole game? If not, could u please provide some tip of the true ending?)

Thank you for your patient reply(゜▽゜*)♪

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After playing for more than 13 hours, I made it to the end eventually. When I played it at the first, I simply recognized the game as a liner one, nevertheless I found two branch point, satisfied my demand.

Thanks for all ur hard work, leaving me a unforgetful impression, and all its content is to my taste perfectly.

p.s. There exists a bug (a mini one even doesn't need to be revise) after each conservation during a battle, all the character card (or the panel? Dunno how to name it) at the bottom of the screen faded, and the resolution is to stick to "left" until the card reveal again. 

(Wondering whether there are any better solutions)

p.p.s. How excited was I when I found the character from th1-5 popped up, even including Rin the one who "never existed"(hope this wouldn't be deifned as spoiler🙏) 

Just like an epic, the game taught me what a ture touhou rpg should be like. Its content fitted well with "touhou 幼靈夢" (sorry but I couldn't find its official translated name) , which impressed me so much.

Anyhow, I play this game properly without any bug taking place (thanks once again for your effort), despite that I haven't made it to the end , I gotta say it's really a splendid one.

Also: the customed word uses in the game release my obstacle, even me, a senior high school student could play it fluently, constrast apparently with other touhou games.

Good game, although its content was full of text(even without a picture, which hurt my eyes sometimes) it still convey something I‘d like to see.

(May well it can function better with a local English speaker)

After I treat yuyuko 2 cakes, I could barely find the way out( even I circled again and again) hoping for more tips orz

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Such a nice game, and the bald kaguya just seemed so funny.

What confused me most was the axe rather than the moon metal( many a time did the axe carried away by reisen or Eirin)

Totally wonderful :)

so good the game is

Wonderful game , but with a strange physical function.

Eventually, I made it to finish the game.

But the endding was so short>﹏<

Great game,wonderful bgm&art.

but what confused me most was the strange control method(even I had played it for more then 1 hour, I was unfamiliar to this.)

And: hardly could I collect all the pages and fairies, till the end, I was lack of 1 page and 1 fairy. I supposed they were on the left stage( just before the final endding), however, there's no way I could do to jump to the next shelf.

So hard it is Above all, thanks for this fantastic game.

(god damn, the itch didn't allow me to upload screenshot)