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A member registered May 18, 2022

Recent community posts

I really like the idea of it but I wish some things were clearer, like maybe telling me what something does when I mouse over it or having it listed in a manual somewhere, like both of the affection scores, I'm guessing one is their general like of the character and the other is romantic interest? The English translation could really use some work too, the game misgenders a lot of characters, sometimes Russian dialogue will pop up, and just some of the word choice is odd or the grammar of sentences doesn't make a lot of sense. I'm looking forward to seeing more updates and what this game will become though

I really like it so far. I love your art style, going hand drawn was a great choice over the creepy 3D models that some other games use. I also like the design of Hunter and how he acts, in similar games to this you get goofy looking or annoying protagonists. I hope to see more of the maid and Mirina in future updates